(A good deed never goes unblessed. Le New York Times a tout dit sur Martelly, la corruption, la drogue, les crimes, Evinx Daniel, Laurent Lamothe, Kiko, Saint Remy, Calixte Valentin... Les ancêtres de TRUMP en Haïti … une histoire peu connue!!! Too much scrubbing wears a hole in the wooden bowl. Where they pluck turkeys, chickens do not laugh. I didn’t eat beans, I can’t poop beans. -Chemen bezwen pa janm long. (Don’t give to the poor what you wouldn’t want for yourself. Haiti 509. A lot of small potatoes make a load. -Pòt tè pa goumen ak pòt fè. The donkey makes offsprings, so its’ back may rest. It is the shoe that knows if the sock has a hole. Timoun se riches malere Children are the riches of the poor. (Helping each other makes a freindship last. A warning of war doesn’t kill the handicaps. (WWW.ZONE509.COM)-La perspective d’une troisième guerre mondiale se précise de plus en plus dans le moyen... Département de l’Artibonite A drum is hallowed out in the woods but comes home to be beaten. -Evite miyò pase mande padon. Sharpen the knife, watch out for your fingers. It is in narrow path, they catch a maligned horse. Kreyon bondye pa gen gòm God’s pencil doesn’t have an eraser. Translation : The hole of lies isn’t deep Meaning : You don’t have to look far for the truth to be revealed. Se pa ou ki di ou verite. Fiyèl mouri, makomè kaba. See what I do; don’t do what I do. Ale pou ou, tounen pou mwen. A leaking house (roof) fool the sun, but cannot fool the rain. Agawou di si Bondye vle. Rude kids grow beards in the cemetery. A clay pot must not wrestle with the iron pot. Lè chat pa la, rat pran kay. Don’t follow my example. Enskripsyon; Konekte; Login; Select Page. PWOVÈB AYISYEN One of the most characteristic expressions of Haiti’s culture: the proverb. -Madichon ou bay bèlmè ou, se li’k rive manman ou. Little by little birds build their nests. Se kouto sel ki konnen sa ki nan ke yanm. Yo itilize pwovèb yo pou di nan 2 segonn yonn flonn pawòl ki t ap pran anpil tan. ), Sak vid pa kanpe. The hungry dog doesn’t lie down. (No rest for the busy. Start studying Haitian Kreyol Proverbs. Posted on May 25, 2013 Haitian Proverbs. Espaskreyol.org is a digital platform seeking to promote Haitian Creole as an object and tool of study. The way the cat walks is not the way it chases rats. Pitit tig se tig. Li Bib La an Kreyòl Ayisyen, Anglè ak Fransè, vèsè pa vèsè. Knife can never scratch its handle. Haitian Creole commonly referred to as simply Creole, is a French-based creole language spoken by 10–12 million people worldwide, and is one of the two official languages of Haiti, where it is the native language of most of the population. ), Se tè ki bat ki bwe lapli. Wè sa m fè; pa fè sa m fè. (My turn will come.). Kòfrefò pa swiv kòbya. It endeavors to establish, grow and maintain a digital collection a collection of various Haitian Creole resources under a free license or in the public domain in a common web space. "Pitow mize nan wout ou pote bon nouvèl" Ayisyen se krab wap demare yo vle pou mòde w... Gwo nèg se leta... Nouyòk pa lan syèl... Nesesite fèm bliye tout bèl bagay... Chak chen niché bwa yo jan yo konnen.. Anbisyon gro pwason fe'w mouri mò neye! (People do not appreciate things they have not earned.). Afè kay moun se mistè. When the tree play with the wind, it loses its leaves. -Sa ou plante se li ou rekolte. Port-au-Prince, Dimanche 15 Mars 2020. Nòt: Klike sou nenpòt vèsè, w ap ka li vèsè sa a an 3 lang... Kreyòl, Anglais, ak Fransè. The curse that you give to your step mom, will happen to your mother. The mouth of an old person might stink, but the words of that mouth don’t stink. Les Allemands... RÉDACTION INTERNATIONALE. (You can always quit. Lè ou wè yon vye zo sou chimen ou, sonje li t gen chè sou li. The woodpecker drills a hole and the lizard sleeps in it. HT4210 : Gros Morne Friends who are far away are money saved; friends who are close by are double edged knives. (Stretch the money to make it last. The spider has 8 legs, if it loses one that doesn’t prevent it from walking. If you are in the slaughter house, blood will get on you. Loving everything makes you loose everything. -Jan ou vini, se jan yo resevwa ou. A lie may run as it may but the truth will catch it. Translation : It’s the house’s rat that eats the house Meaning : When looking for a culprit, he is often around us or near us. fanmi pa kal bwa pise gaye pa kimen Atik yo nan kategori "Pwovèb" 200 Paj sa yo nan kategori sa, sou 362 total. Here is a list of proverbs that originate directly from Haitian culture : Se rat kay k ap manje kay. ), Moun ki kenbe kiye bwa se li ki konnen si li cho The person who holds the wooden spoon is the one who knows if it’s hot. (Don’t question first hand knowledge. Avan chwal te gen maleng, mouch te viv. -Piti piti, zwazo fè nich. HT4120 : Ennery You have more power than you have been led to believe. You are stronger than you realize. ), Tanbou fouye nan bwa, se lakay li vin bat. Byen pa janm pèdi. The way you come, is the way they will receive you. When your friend’s beard is caught on fire, put yours in water. Lang kreyòl la chaje ak pwovèb ladan tankou anpil lang. Before you laugh at those who limp, check the way you walk. It’s after the battle that you count the wounded. Either way, Haitian Proverbs play a big part in Haitian culture. -Dèyè mòn gen mòn. Twou manti pa fon. Byen pre pa lakay. Bèl fanm se traka. My friend, a banker in Port-au-Prince, received a letter from a person not known to her who claims to … (WWW.ZONE509.COM) - Rutshelle Guillaume a présenté une conférence, le jeudi 12... port-au-prine, jeudi 05 mars 2020. Breasts are never too heavy for their owners. (One’s faults will be exposed sooner or later. We’ve all had someone forewarn us or teach us a lesson by reciting these proverbs. Achte peye, prete remèt, se sa ki fè zanmi dire. (A friend in need is a friend indeed.). -Sak vid pa kanpe. Piblikasyon an kreyòl ayisyen (1987-2020) Dekonekte. Behind the mountains, there are mountains. (You always need someone to help you. Men get tired, but not women. The high tree says he sees far, the traveling seed says he see further. (Anything is still possible.). (The first failure is not defeat; keep trying. Padon pa geri maleng. Toujou gen retay kay tayè. Se yon zouti ki pèmèt nou fè rechèch nan piblikasyon Temwen Jewova yo nan lang ou chwazi a. Before you climb a tree, look to see if you can climb down. -Pa pèdi founo pou yon grenn pen. Non – Grame kreyol ayisyen. What’s not good for the big sack, it’s not good for the little sack either. Arenyen gen wit pat, si l’ pedi yon, sa pa anpeche l’ mache. (Don’t give up until the end. ), Kote chwal jete ou, la ou pase sou li anko. When you see an old bone on your path, remember that it had skin on it once. -Menm nan lanfè gen moun pa. Before horses had sores, flies lived. "Aprè dans, tanbou toujou lou. Djòl fè dèt, bouda peye. (When you don’t do something right the first time you will have to do it again. (A man who knows his abilities doesn’t take on more than he can handle. (A person’s guard is not let down until after death. Ak po ou vini ak po ou prale. The Woman from Shunem Returns Home - Elisha had told the woman whose son he had brought back to life, “Take your family and move to some other place, for the LORD has called for a famine on Israel that will last for seven years.” So the woman did as the man of God instructed. ), Larivyè anpeche ou janbe men li pa anpeche ou tounen. The “I don’t know” don’t go to court. File kouto, veye dwèt ou. "Avan ou ri moun bwete, gade jan ou mache. very close is not home yet. learn Haitian Creole Haitian Creole and Engligh dictionary / words list Online Bible compiled by Nazaire - Haiti - www.kreyol.com - help from BibleDatabase.org files This Haitian Creole Bible Online is a NOT for Profit - (non-profit) production of Hertz Nazaire and Kreyol.Com as a source for Haitian Creole education. Nan pwen metye ki pa nouri mèt li. Men, mwen remake... ] - Après sa tournée triomphale aux États-Unis d'Amérique en octobre et en novembre dernier, le groupe RAM fera son grand retour... Lundi 27 Janvier 2020. (You must be prepared for opportunity.). Konjigezon vèb kreòl gratis sou Novasyon. Please share with us your favorite Haitian Proverb. -Moun ki bezwen deyò, chache chemen pòt. s: jan, fason |p| Bourik mèt fè santan nan lekiri, li pa gendwa tounen chwal. Fe respe ou; m’a fe pa m’. Hunger makes one restless. Kay koule twonpe solèy, men li pa ka twonpe lapli. Kategori:Pwovèb. Bourik chaje pa kanpe. Category: Kreyòl. With patience, you will see an ant’s breast. Nou gide pa yon espri inovatif pou amelyorasyon konesans lang Kreyòl la, nan enterè Ayisyen ak tout mond lan. Every rope has two ends. (You can’t force people to go against their will. -Sa’k rive kodenn nan, ka rive kòk la. (WWW.ZONE509.COM) - Le comité du carnaval de la 2e ville d'Haïti, Cap-Haïtien,... Cap-Haïtien, mardi 25 février 2020. Gonaives, samedi 13 Février 2021. Pawol nan vant pa pouri trip. Lequel des ancêtres Haitiens admirez-vous le plus ? ), Gason konn bouke, men pa fanm. -Anpil men chay pa lou. HT4110 :Gonaives A mistake is better than doing nothing. (You can’t make something out of nothing. As long as he doesn’t lose his head, don’t say he won’t forget his hat. Don’t ask a person to watch over something he may want. Voici une liste de proverbes qui proviennent directement de la … Le sieur Michel-Olivier Martelly proteste de la manière la plus véhémente et la plus catégorique contre les déclarations mensongères, calomnieuses et diffamatoires de l’actuel... La Premier League Anglaise enverra un signal fort contre le racisme lors du retour de la ligue Le 17 juin 2020, il a été... Port-au-Prince, jeudi 28 mai 2020. Port-au-Prince, Mercredi 18 Mars 2020. (WWW.ZONE509.COM) - Désigné mercredi nouveau président provisoire de la Fédération Haïtienne de Football (FHF) par le Comité... Pour un meilleur éclaircissement du dossier d’accusations de viols révélé dans le journal britannique “The Guardian”, le journaliste enquêteur Romain Molina a répondu ce... REDACTION INTERTNATIONALE, Lundi 11 mai 2020. Avan chen manje zo, li mezire machwè’l. Bouch granmoun santi, pawòl nan bouch li pa santi. Going is for you, returning for me. Timoun fronte fè bab nan simityè. Pa konnen pa al lajistis. Weeds you don’t want to grow in your garden, grow in your front door. It’s when the snake dies that you see its length. De mòn pa janm rankontre, men de moun konn rankontre. En Haïti, ceux-ci imprègne la culture populaire du pays et ils font même partie du patrimoine du pays. Fanm pou yon tan, manman pou toutan. (Once cooked, food belongs to everyone. (Difficult times reveal a person’s true character. (My turn will come.) Many hands [make] the load lighter. Pwovèb Ayisyen / Haitian Proverbs. -Sim te konnen toujou dèyè. Le Président provisoire désigné par l’opposition sort du silence, Trois nouveaux juges nommés à la Cour de Cassation, Haïti – L’hôpital de MSF pris au piège de nouveaux violents affrontements à Port-au-Prince, Olivier Martelly proteste contre les déclarations dites diffamatoires de Max Attys, Des kits de Premier League avec le logo Black Lives Matter et les noms de joueurs remplacés, Variéno Saint-Fleur investi dans ses nouvelles fonctions présidentielles, Romain Molina « Malgré les menaces et les trahisons, le dossier haïtien avance bien », Wyclef Jean, premier artiste annoncé pour un concert au Hard Rock Santo Domingo, Coronavirus :Le gouvernement haïtien interdit les raras et toute manifestation culturelle sur la voie publique jusqu’à nouvel ordre, «Rete la»: Rutshelle Guillaume annonce son 3e album “Quoi qu’il advienne”, Marie Giselhaine Mompremier prend les rênes du ministère du Tourisme. Bitay fè ou vanse. ), Machann lèt se rizièz. It’s plowed earth that drinks the rain. (You never get tired of caring for your own. Any work is better than having to beg. The tongue is not the sea, but it can drown you. (Good food leads to good conversation.). Twòp grate kreve kwi. ), Se gou bouyon ki mete lang deyò. Kouto pa janm grate manch li. A little dog is really brave in front of his master’s house. It is your own who tells you the truth. "Sak te pase nan vèy la, pap pase nan antèman"!! (Un bienfait n'est jamais perdu.) Si bèf te konn fòs yo, majoral pa ta lanse yo. The cat’s foot is soft but it’s claws are mean. ), Prekosyon to pa lachte Precautions are not cowardly, Premye so pa so.. Chen ki konnen w, se li ki souke ke li pou ou. The first fall is no fall. Bouch manje tout manje, li pa pale tout pawòl. Show your respect; I’ll show mine. Bourik fè pitit pou do’l ka poze. Konekte ), Zwazo pose sou tout branch. Mwen pa manje pwa, mwen pap kaka pwa. Sa’k nan vant ou se li ki pa ou. Misfortune has no horn. I did not eat beans, I cannot poop beans. ), Mwen pat manje pwa, mwen pa ka poupou pwa. Stupid doesn’t kill you, but it makes you sweat. HT4111 : Petite Rivière de l’Artibonite A hand going out, a hand coming back makes a friendship last. Female dog never bites its’ puppies to the bones. There’s no craft that will not feed the craftsman. (Do as I say. -Lè pye bwa jwe ak van, li pèdi fèy li. Woman is like mahogany: The older she is, the better she is. Haitian Proverbs and Idioms (Pwovèb ak Idyòm Ayisyen) Law in Haitian Creole (Lwa oswa Lalwa) Dialogue for Doctor and Hospital Visits; Illnesses (Part 1) Simple Future Verbs (Vèb Fiti Senp) Base Verbs – B; Base Verbs in Haitian Creole – A; How to Pronounce the Letter ‘R’ in Haitian Creole Chen gen kat pye, li pa kouri nan kat chimen. (Those of the best reputation are the most susceptible to scandal. Asking the way doesn’t mean one is lost. ), Men ale, men vini fe zanmi dire. Sorry doesn’t heal the scars. Illness doesn’t know the brave. ), Ou nan ka. (Your turn will come.). The milk vendor is a sly one. ), Nen pran kou; je kouri dlo. -Avan ou ri moun bwete, gad jan ou mache. -Sonje lapli ki leve mayi ou la. Website by Haiti1Stop. Lang pa lanmè, men li ka neye ou. Even in hell there are people from your clan. In order to make the money last the month, wash it and drink its water. Move zèb leve tou patou. (Respect must be mutual. (Go slowly with an angry person. ), Sa foumi genyen, se sa l’bay pitit li. Se je pa we ke pa tounen. Where they pluck turkeys, chicken do not laugh. Coup d’État déjoué ou répression politique? (Asking for advice is not shameful. “If I had known” is always behind. Sòt pa touye, men li fè ou swe. Abitid se vis. A défo chyen, kabrit ay la chas (Faute de chien, on emmène le cabri à la chasse) Il faut faire avec ce qu'on a: A fòs frékanté chyen, ou ka trapé pis Liste de proverbes haïtiens (et leurs équivalents en français) . The offspring of the tiger, are tigers. ), Avan ou monte bwa, gade si ou ka desann li. (The truth will be known. ), Met do pa grate do. (Not saying something doesn’t hurt you.). Bèf san ke, Bondye pouse mouch pou li. Things change. -DIKSYONÈ PWOVÈB, TI-PAWÒL AK DIZON AYISYEN… Yon pi bèl sous tipawòl, dizon ak pwovèb ayisyen, ak tradiksyon yo oswa parèy yo nan lang franse ak lang angle. ), Byen san swe pa profite. Wont pi lou pase sak sèl. Haitian Creole Bible ( Kreyòl Ayisyen Bib ) is a FREE Bible in Haitian Creole Language. If you like the nut, you ought to like the shell. Par Billy Gervé What the eye doesn’t see, doesn’t move the heart. (A warning when things appear better than they are. Chwazi yon lot langaj nan menu a goch la si w ta vle li Pwoveb Chapit 1 nan lot lang la... 1 Men pwovèb Salomon, pitit David la, ki te wa peyi Izrayèl. -Kote yo plimen kodenn, poul pa ri. The snake that knows the width of his throat is the one that swallows frogs. Le maire de Santiago (RD) considère les Haïtiens comme une menace pour sa ville, Réaction officielle du Sénat haïtien sur les propos de Trump. ), Se apre batay ou konte blese. -Manman chen pa mode pitit li jouk nan zo. If they do, it’s probably because you’ve been guilty of saying them, or someone in your family keeps saying them to you. Creole Link - Haitian Creole to English Word Translations ... / | / ), Machandiz ofri pa gen pri. -Wòch nan dlo pa konn doulè wòch nan solèy. When the cat is not there, the rat take over the house. Tete pa janm twò lou pou met li. What the ant gives her baby is what she has. Akoma tonbe tout moun di se bwa pouri. What is in your stomach, is what’s yours. -Dictionnaire des expressions, locutions et Proverbes haïtiens… Une ressource améliorée Renmen tout fè ou pèdi tout. Avèk pasyans w’ap wè tete foumi. September 23, 2020. Fathers can give their sons an inheritance of houses and wealth, but … ), Se sou chemiz blanch yo wè tach. Bèl dan pa di zanmi pou sa. Brisson pa t gentan reyalize pwojè sa a anvan yo te egzile li nan 1980 epi yo te touye li nan 1982. Get right back on the horse.). What you sow is what you will harvest. The nose takes the blow; the eyes run with water. ), Fok ou mache pou ou we kote lari a kwen. Ak pasyans w a wè trip foumi. Pwovèb yo pale sou sajès, pasyans, lacharite, lenjistis, e latriye…. Si ou renmen gren andan, ou dwe renmen po a tou. An empty sack cannot stand. Tout kod gen de bout. An empty sack doesn’t stand. Afòs makak karese pitit li, li touye li. He who must go out, search for the door. Aktivite, egzèsis ak fich lengwistik pou tout moun k ap aprann oswa k ap anseye kreyòl. Diksyone se yon diksyonè vityèl pou ede moun ekri, li, konprann ak pale Kreyòl pi byen. A leaky roof fools then sun but it doesn’t fool the rain. Walk on caution so you don’t step on “if I had known.”. Ak pasyans w a wè trip foumi. Unsourced [] A [] "Men anpil, chay pa lou. (Freeloaders have always existed. Akoz diri ti wòch goute grès. Possessions without sweat don’t profit. Lè bab kamarad ou pran dife, mete pa ou a la tranp. Zanmi lwen se lajan sere, zanmi pre se kouto de bò. The hole of lie, is not too deep. A loaded donkey doesn’t stand still. Never put a cat to watch over the butter. The river prevents you from crossing but it does not prevent you from turning back. A drunk monkey doesn’t sleep in front of a dog house. Mouth eats all kind of food, but doesn’t speak every word. We must be here for a purpose. ), Sa ou pa ta renmen wè nan latrin ou, ou wè l nan lasal ou. The front door becomes the back of the house. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. gòj li, se li ki vale krapo. Before laughing at those who limp, check the way you walk. Remember the rain that grew you your corn. -Malè pa gen klaksonn. ), Kay koule twonpe solèy, men li pa twonpe lapli. (Hunger makes one weak. (WWW.ZONE509.COM)-Dans un arrêté présidentiel promulgué le jeudi 11 février... Port-au-Prince, le 10 février 2021. What happened to the turkey, can happen to the rooster. Maladi pa konn vanyan. HT4230... For everything Haitian: Music, Videos, Lyrics for all Haitian songs, Sports, Cuisine, Culture, Tourist, History, Events and more. Haitian Creole Publishing Company Educa Vision Inc. Educa Vision is a Florida based publishing company that designs, develops, publishes, and distributes a broad range of Haitian related educational materials for use in Haiti, the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean area since 1991. What you wouldn’t want to see in your latrine, you see in your living room. Merchandise offered has no price. -Zafè kabrit pa zafè mouton. ), Manti met kouri jan l’ kouri; laverite ap kenbe l’. You’re in a case. (Any secret will eventually be made known.). To avoid is better than to ask for forgiveness.

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