Accès à la page. Menu Skip to content. Tandem Attacks Description – – Character 1: None: Character 2: None: Character 3: None: Character 4: None: Character 5: None < Boa … DEX. Our Tier Lists to rank the characters in each category. Treasure Map Limited Characters. Character Evolvers Needed Post-Evolution; Donquixote Doflamingo: Sea Stallion Rainbow Robber Penguin Green Pirate Penguin Green Plated Lobster Green Striped Dragon: Donquixote Doflamingo Warlord of the Sea →Where to find Evolvers. Image Export Download Image (otherwise, right-click > copy) × Removed Legends (Click icons to unhide legends) × - rainbow mode - super rainbow mode - remove legends from list. DEX. Roblox Adopt Me Houses. If your completely new to One Piece Treasure cruise you should take the time to read the One Piece Treasure Cruise beginners guide. 1849 TM Limited Akainu. Super Evolutions. Gameplay. The ultimate OPTC guide. 1 Seite 1 von 2; 2; CptBarto. Due to popular demand, the Tier-List is back and updated. Vivi Official Stage info thread. Legend Checklist for OPTC. JPN Megathread. One Piece Treasure Cruise Character Table. This has been a relatively slow OPTC week for me in terms of farming. Blackbeard Pirates. Scroll down for all characters. The following characters in their post-Evolved form get boosts in this Treasure Map: The following character gets 2x Treasure Points, stats 2.5x and has their CD reduced by 10 . This feature allows you to spend your stamina over a certain amount of time to reclaim it for Treasure Points. Roblox: Arsenal Weapons List . SNS Linking Guide FAQ Rerolling Guide New Player's Roadmap Tips for New Players Teambuilding Guide … Announced March 3rd 2018, released March 14th 2018. Strong World Live By Code. Battle of Marineford Whitebeard Pirates . Special deals random damage to all enemies, boost ATK of all characters by 1.75x after 30th hit in the chain for 3 turns. It will save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. Nakama Network OPTC Database Treasure Map Planner Snails Counter GameWith (JPN) Cafe Naver (KR) RR Checklist Legend Checklist OPTC Graphics. Shichibukai. 3d2y. INT Global Units … Add new page. Shindo Life Bloodlines (v12) Roblox Dominus. Includes a character database with all unit captain abilities, descriptions, sailor abilities, and special abilities. View past, current, and future events in month view. OPTC Character Database. QCK. Links to guides in individual events. Explore Wikis; Community Central ; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? characters are poorly limited in here, but can be really powerful if you have 'em all. (missing characters will be added soon.) Voyage Dream. Tier 0: God Tier. - Francis. QCK. Hello fellow GLB players! Drop Data Gathering Errors Global Clear Rates Socket Discussions Unit Discussions Videos XP/Cost/STA per P-Lv. OPTC Calendar; Nakama Network; Damage Calculator; Charakter-Datenbank; Drop Table; Treasure Map Planer; Support Table; Spenden; Regeln; Unerledigte Themen; Zum Seitenende ; Schnellnavigation; One Piece Community » Treasure Cruise Global » Allgemeine Diskussionen » Community Tier list für Anfänger (Glb und jp) Alpha. Fluff. FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn Also, Barto’s Boat is sometimes more useful thanks to the added tankiness, Aokiji bike isn’t always the optimal choice. Tier List; Concepts; Alpha 0.2.0 Patch Notes: 0.2.0 . As usual, the disclaimer is that the following list is made by several JPN veteran players and represents our views. STR. OK, Lets begin: How to play: easy lets install the game and start playing. Notre page qui présente des vidéos de quelques joueurs qui ont filmé leur tirage du sugo-fest du 4ème anniversaire. Tips for New OPTC Players and Roadmap Basics 1. Revolutionary army. No man you gotta stop after installing the game. Carrot, A Mystical White Sulong. This Tier system is a levelling guide to help you know who to focus on levelling for your QCK characters based on their usefulness and how soon they will be outclassed by new characters.. Roblox TDS Towers. See Tips for New OPTC Players and Roadmap; See Treasure Map for general info on Treasure Maps; Recommended Support Units [edit | edit source] These characters will boost your Treasure Points earned and will have their stats boosted as well. BGS Secret Pet Tier List (UPDATED) AUT Stands. Infographic with boosted characters sorted by class made by /u/optc_imset. Menu Skip to content. RCV Related Captain Abilities ... Unit data provided by OPTC DB. March 11 (18:00) - March 15 (22:59) Useful Links. OPTC Character Database. Marinford v2. As for the Extra Isle, many but not all characters are usable, but don't expect much from your easy victories - generally only characters obtained from 40 stamina difficulty and up are of real use, through there are exceptions, particularly for seasonal characters (summer, Halloween, etc.). Vidéos du sugo-fest du 4ème anniversaire. Night mode Enable fuzzy search. Character List:5000 | One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki | Fandom. Monkey D. Luffy, Gear 4 - Snakeman. Add new page. Tier List; Autres pages Liste des ... Remerciements Chaîne de Timinou Chaîne de D. coza Chaîne de Towercorner Chaîne de Kaku OPTC Chaîne de Scaragnark Chaîne de Basibidi Chaîne de SkyTrick Chaîne de B-Bro. Legends 6* 6*+ Limited Characters Special Limited Characters. One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki. Do not take this entire list letter-for-letter. Vivi Boosted units Infographic. PSY. 7.0/10 Additional columns Want to report or request something? Royale High Halo Ranking. It is a powerful ship made from the wood of the Treasure Tree Adam. TDS towers AGAIN but revamped. The Thousand Sunny can fire at enemies using the Gaon Cannon on her prow, and produce sudden bursts of speed by burning Cola. Tier 1 characters wont be outclassed for a very long time or ever! OPTC Damage Calculator. Old patch notes deleted do to lack of relevancy to the new list. If yes, I will try to resolve all those queries. Character List | One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki | Fandom. Treasure Map Vivi Megathread. Global Captains Global Sailors Global Treasure Maps Global Raids Global Coliseums Global Sailors Global Treasure Maps Global Raids Global Coliseums Show . Games Movies TV Video. They are too many to list here, so check their pages for details. Piggy Skins. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. PSY. This method sacrifices some gems we got in the mail immediately after finishing the tutorial (used to be over 50, now it’s usually less than 20) for a simpler in-game method of rerolling for Straw Hat legends. Damage Calculator. Most visited articles. Rare Recruit Limited Characters. Home; Characters; Guides & FAQ; Islands; Evolutions; Fusion Materials; Blog; Chat; Evolutions . Fast visual tool to mark your RR Characters for OPTC mobile game. A feature called Auto-Adventure is available. One Piece Treasure Cruise guide The ultimate OPTC guide. Ranking of All Bear Alpha Skins Tier List. 3,041 Pages. 3,039 Pages. Marines. Access to pages Legends Clashs Coliseums Treasure Map Limited Rare Recruits. Popular pages. Join our discord. Other (old) Starters. Read this: Step 1 for Good account. Newbie Resources. Offline. Whitebeard/Marco, The Fierce Battle at the Paramount War . Resources. Clear Random Operators. Games Movies TV Video. OPTC Tiers. Site web du guide français de One Piece Treasure Cruise. Cacaoloverboy. Here begins the first step for reroll. Vivi Unit Info. I have heard our JPN brethren somtimes saying "wish I had farmed 'X' character when (s)he was available". There is a Mr 2 unit available in the mini bosses. Captained by Monkey D. Luffy, she was designed and built by Franky. optc : 関連ニュース 「ONE PIECE トレジャークルーズ」にゴール・D・ロジャーと光月おでんが参戦 -「ONE PIECE トレジャークルーズ」にゴール・D・ロジャーと光月おでんが参戦 -; ニュース | アバールデータがCamera Linkの問題点を解決する光インターフェースを … Type Class ALL CHARACTERS Legend: CD = The Minimum number of turns between Spe . TS (Reunion of Straw Hats) 20th anniversary. Hello everyone, and welcome to my guide. Also includes a damage calculator that accurately helps you find out how much damage your team will deal. Register Start a Wiki. Strawhats V2 "Voyage Dream" replacement. Current Time in Japan. So its worth putting in the effort to get them to max or close to max level. 1.1 How to play Treasure Map 1.2 Treasure Points 1.3 Treasure League 1.4 Reward and Trusty Characters 1.5 Treasure Maps 1.6 Treasure Map Characters 1.6.1 Reward Characters 1.6.2 Treasure Sugo-Only 1.7 Treasure Bazaar 1.8 FAQ 1.9 Useful links A new adventure mode where you can collect Limit Break materials … 1.Open it and wait for a data download. Wikis. Tm Planner. Adopt Me Pets. Are there already a good amount of Rerolling/Getting Started guides for OPTC out there? Boosts ATK of all characters by 2.5x after the 21st hit in the chain and by 3.5x after the 36th hit. Strong World. I’m Cinderspawn, a very active member of the OPTC subreddit Discord server (I partly manage the #optc-rerolls channel in there) and I made this guide to help new players get started with their accounts. One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki. R. Lima . Japan Captains Japan Sailors Japan Treasure Maps Japan Raids Japan Coliseums Japan Sailors Japan Treasure Maps Japan Raids Japan Coliseums So I started preparing for future content, espcially TM. The TM ticket drops have been increased to account for the cost of the new Garp Auto-Adventure Mode. One Piece Treasure Cruise event calendar for global server. Wikis. Additional info for this TM. The following characters get 1.5 Treasure Points, stats 2.5x and have their CD reduced by 10. Do you ever wondered what will be a good OPTC account to start your game with? Fan run database for One Piece Treasure Cruise. Mr 2 Unit Info. One Piece Treasure Cruise list of RCV candy candidates. Tandem Attacks. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? entries. INT. Select All Reset Show 6* Forms of Super-Evos Hide 6* Forms of Super-Evos Unhide Removed Legends List Removed Legends Generate Image. One Piece Treasure Cruise Character Table. [ENG] Treasure Map Boosted Characters Infographics. Whole tier list revamp. Current Time in Japan Changes to this TM. Register Start a Wiki. One Piece Treasure Cruise beginners guide. Guides Légendes Combats cruciaux Colisées Arènes Attaques ennemies Quêtes permanentes Événements spéciaux Prochaine Carte aux trésors Prochain combat de l'amitié Histoire principale Forêts d'entraînement Défi de Garp Quêtes pour les super évolutions. Legends STR. Roblox Flicker characters tier list (as of July 3rd 2020) ROBLOX Piggy Skins. Discord; Rare Recruit Checklist. For Class and Type crew building and levelling guides/ Tier lists click the images below. 1 What is Treasure Map?
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