Open Versus Robot-assisted Radical Cystectomy: Is Standardization Without Randomization Possible? Eur Urol. Please enter a term before submitting your search. Please select at least one article in order to proceed. Unverified accounts are still limited to 10 volumes/500 GB. subjects may access their data and receive confirmation as to the existence or otherwise of their personal data, even if such data have not yet been registered, and receive communication of said data in an intelligible Group for the same data collection purposes and may be processed by specifically authorized employees and/or collaborators of the Group, including persons operating in the capacity of Data Processors, as well as Histologic Grading of Bladder Tumors: Using Both the 1973 and 2004/2016 World Health Organization Systems in Combination Provides Valuable Information for Establishing Prognostic Risk Groups, How Far Should We Explore Hypospadias? New Insights into Hypospadias: Next-generation Sequencing Reveals Potential Genetic Factors in Male Urethral Development. In press. By pursuing an avowedly international approach, THE PLAN has become one of the sector’s most widely circulated and read magazines, not just in Italy but in over sixty nations around the world. Data subjects also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, which in Italy is the “Garante per la protezione dei dati personali”. Eur Urol 2020;78:856–62, Still Unanswered: The Role of Extended Pelvic Lymphadenectomy in Improving Oncological Outcomes in Prostate Cancer, Re: Peng Xu, Binshen Chen, Abai Xu, Dan Yuan, Yiming Zhang, Chunxiao Liu. form. GLFW is an Open Source, multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan application development. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Data subjects are also entitled D’un centre de vaccination contre la Covid-19 à l’autre, le constat est le même : le téléphone sonne sans interruption. Re: Fredrick Leidberg, Petter Kollberg, Marie Allerbo, et al. (2018 ) Densité: 10 448 hab./km 2: Géographie; Coordonnées: 48° 48′ 21″ nord, 2° 26′ 16″ est: Altitude: Min. PI-RADS Committee Position on MRI Without Contrast Medium in Biopsy-naive Men with Suspected Prostate Cancer: Narrative Review. bodies, or entities entitled to access personal data for tax or administrative purposes, or in order to issue professional certifications, etc. GLFW. All personal data shall be processed using the appropriate hard-copy, computer or IT-enabled tools by specifically In press. The Predictive Value of Programmed Death Ligand 1 in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Immune-checkpoint Inhibitors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Genomic Testing in Patients with Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer: A Pragmatic Guide for Clinicians. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Inc. except certain content provided by third parties. Salvage Surgery in Patients with Local Recurrence After Radical Prostatectomy. Learn more about account verification. Clinical Activity of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: Is the Host the Answer? We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. There are no rate restrictions. credit insurance companies, commercial information companies, professionals and consultants, and transport sector companies. More Please? processing, details regarding the identity of the Data Controller, the Data Processors and the designated representative in accordance with Article 5, para. 24 m Max. 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Unraveling the Mechanism of the Antitumor Activity of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, The 2019 International Society of Urological Pathology Consensus Conference on Prostate Cancer Grading, When What You See Is Not Always What You Get: Raising the Bar of Evidence for New Diagnostic Imaging Modalities, Total Phallic Reconstruction in the Genetic Male, Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: A 2020 Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, and Future Perspectives on Systemic Therapy, Atezolizumab plus Bevacizumab Versus Sunitinib for Patients with Untreated Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma and Sarcomatoid Features: A Prespecified Subgroup Analysis of the IMmotion151 Clinical Trial, Serial Molecular Profiling of Low-grade Prostate Cancer to Assess Tumor Upgrading: A Longitudinal Cohort Study, A Multicohort Open-label Phase II Trial of Bipolar Androgen Therapy in Men with Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer (RESTORE): A Comparison of Post-abiraterone Versus Post-enzalutamide Cohorts, Outcomes of Gender Affirming Peritoneal Flap Vaginoplasty Using the Da Vinci Single Port Versus Xi Robotic Systems, Retzius-sparing Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy Leads to Durable Improvement in Urinary Function and Quality of Life Versus Standard Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy Without Compromise on Oncologic Efficacy: Single-surgeon Series and Step-by-step Guide, WITHDRAWN: Value of Prostate Cancer Care: New Information on New Therapies Suggest Less is More, WITHDRAWN: Re: Vasectomy and Prostate Cancer Incidence and Mortality in a Large US Cohort. Dinney’s Words of Wisdom re: Genomic Predictors of Good Outcome, Recurrence, or Progression in High-Grade T1 Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer. By continuing you agree to the Use of Cookies. While optional, the mail addresses listed on the attendance form shall be stored and used only for the purpose of sending communications regarding similar activities, until such time as the data subject requests cancellation of The personal data collected may be used in the future by the Data Controller to inform data subjects of other similar initiatives and update them on conferences and training events. Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Benign Prostatic Obstruction: What Do Patients Want? Reply to Francesco Montorsi, Nicola Fossati, Carlo A. Bravi, Giorgio Gandaglia, Nazareno Suardi, and Alberto Briganti’s Letter to the Editor re: Sophie Knipper, Luigi Ascalone, Benjamin Ziegler, et al. Experiencing the fear of a pandemic, having to adjust to lockdown situations, working remotely, practicing new social distancing customs as we inhabit our cities, and the general uncertainty that produced stress, confusion, and in many cases, even worse. Published eight times a year, THE PLAN is one of the most highly-acclaimed, sought-out architecture and design magazines on the market. Maggioli S.p.a. is hereby authorized by you to communicate personal data to supervisory For many people the year 2020 will be remembered as that very unpredictable and difficult period. By continuing you agree to the, Re: Five-factor Prognostic Model for Survival of Post-platinum Patients with Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma Receiving PD-L1 Inhibitors, Reply to Claudia Signorini and Massimo Maffezzini’s Letter to the Editor re: Maria S. Lindgren, Peter Bue, Nessn Azawi, et al. Eur Urol. Feb 2021 - Old school 2k pieces: The February challenge was chosen by Germania Row 3 * 2K with 5 minutes rest. oppose, for legitimate reasons, the processing of all or part of their personal data even if related to data collection and the processing of personal data for advertising, direct sales and commercial communication, The Magnificent MASTER Trial: A Randomised Controlled Trial of Surgery After Postprostatectomy Incontinence, Quality of Life After Bladder Cancer: A Cross-sectional Survey of Patient-reported Outcomes, Androgen Receptor Splice Variant 7 Predicts Shorter Response in Patients with Metastatic Hormone-sensitive Prostate Cancer Receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy. purposes, or to conduct market research. certificates. those to whom their personal data have been communicated, with the exception of those cases in which this proves impossible or would require manifestly disproportionate means compared to the right being safeguarded; août 25, 2020; Associations : Subventions par mot dans les noms des associations août 12, 2020; Associations : Subventions depuis 2010 (PLF 2012 à 2020) août 10, 2020; Evolution des sociétés depuis 2012 jusqu'à maintenant en France juillet 27, 2020; Top des Prénoms en Belgique (2019) juillet 19, 2020 Preventing Parastomal Hernia After Ileal Conduit by the Use of a Prophylactic Mesh: A Randomised Study. Eur Urol 2020;78:757–63. The period of the processing shall be limited to the time required to provide the services requested. to allow the data processing required to perform the services offered. Radical Treatment Without Cure: Decision-making in Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer, Re: Active Surveillance for Men with Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer, Re: Human Chimeric Antigen Receptor Macrophages for Cancer Immunotherapy, The Importance of Being PRECISE in Prostate Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Active Surveillance, Re: Keiichiro Mori, Mohammad Abufaraj, Hadi Mostafaei, et al. Initial Experience with Intracorporeal Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy and Detaenial Sigmoid Neobladder Reconstruction. It provides a simple, platform-independent API for creating windows, contexts and surfaces, reading input, handling events, etc. Re: Sophie Knipper, Luigi Ascalone, Benjamin Ziegler, et al. The electronic Am J Roentgenol 2021;216:3–19, Functional and Taxonomic Dysbiosis of the Gut, Urine, and Semen Microbiomes in Male Infertility, Collaborative Review: Factors Influencing Treatment Decisions for Patients with a Localized Solid Renal Mass, Re: Intravesical Nadofaragene Firadenovec Gene Therapy for BCG-unresponsive Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer: A Single-arm, Open-label, Repeat-dose Clinical Trial, Outcomes of a Noninferiority Randomised Controlled Trial of Surgery for Men with Urodynamic Stress Incontinence After Prostate Surgery (MASTER), Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy Using the Novel Urethral Fixation Technique Versus Standard Vesicourethral Anastomosis. Next-generation Sequencing Applied to a Large Cohort of Hypospadiac Patients, A Systematic Review of Patients’ Values, Preferences, and Expectations for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, Assessing Value-based Health Care Initiatives in Urology, The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin-unresponsive Bladder Cancer, Robot-assisted Radical Cystectomy Versus Open Radical Cystectomy in Bladder Cancer Patients: A Multicentre Comparative Effectiveness Study, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Blood-based Liquid Biopsies to Inform Clinical Decision-making in Prostate Cancer, The Mutational Landscape of Metastatic Castration-sensitive Prostate Cancer: The Spectrum Theory Revisited, Reply to Anirban P. Mitra, Tanner Miest, and Colin P.N. Male Overactive Bladder: Underappreciated, Under-researched. Initial Outcomes of a United States Series, Novel Transcriptomic Interactions Between Immune Content and Genomic Classifier Predict Lethal Outcomes in High-grade Prostate Cancer, Re: Pretransplant Solid Organ Malignancy and Organ Transplant Candidacy: A Consensus Expert Opinion Statement, Extended Versus Limited Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection During Radical Prostatectomy for Intermediate- and High-risk Prostate Cancer: Early Oncological Outcomes from a Randomized Phase 3 Trial, Re: Quality Indicators for Bladder Cancer Services: A Collaborative Review, Re: Surgical Treatment for Recurrent Bulbar Urethral Stricture: A Randomised Open-label Superiority Trial of Open Urethroplasty Versus Endoscopic Urethrotomy (the OPEN Trial), Bladder Cancer and Associated Risk Factors: The African Panorama, Re: Adjuvant Radiotherapy Versus Early Salvage Radiotherapy plus Short-term Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Men with Localised Prostate Cancer After Radical Prostatectomy (GETUG-AFU 17): A Randomised, Phase 3 Trial, Re: Concomitant Proton Pump Inhibitor Use and Survival in Urothelial Carcinoma Treated with Atezolizumab, Prostate Cancer Screening Patterns Among Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals, Robot-assisted Radical Nephrectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Comparative Studies, Initial Experience with Intracorporeal Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy and Detaenial Sigmoid Neobladder Reconstruction, The Predictive Value of Programmed Death Ligand 1 in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Immune-checkpoint Inhibitors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Taxane-induced Attenuation of the CXCR2/BCL-2 Axis Sensitizes Prostate Cancer to Platinum-based Treatment, Reply to Alexander Andreev-Drakhlin, Jianjun Gao, Arlene Siefker-Radtke. Eur Urol. Your personal data shall not be transferred outside the European Union. Perilesional Biopsies Increase Detection of Significant Prostate Cancer in Men with PI-RADS 4/5 Lesions: Validation of the PI-RADS Steering Committee Recommendation, Re: Maria S. Lindgren, Peter Bue, Nessn Azawi, et al. Personal data may also be communicated to the companies of the Maggioli, Hood Technique for Robotic Radical Prostatectomy—Preserving Periurethral Anatomical Structures in the Space of Retzius and Sparing the Pouch of Douglas, Enabling Early Return of Continence Without Compromising Surgical Margin Rates, The Clinicopathologic and Molecular Landscape of Clear Cell Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma: Implications in Diagnosis and Management, Urethral-sparing Robot-assisted Simple Prostatectomy: An Innovative Technique to Preserve Ejaculatory Function Overcoming the Limitation of the Standard Millin Approach, Robot-assisted Supratrigonal Cystectomy and Augmentation Cystoplasty with Totally Intracorporeal Reconstruction in Neurourological Patients: Technique Description and Preliminary Results, Efficacy of PARP Inhibition in Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer is Very Different with Non-, Measuring the Quality of Diagnostic Prostate Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Urologist’s Perspective, Technical Refinements in Superextended Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy for Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients at Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Levelling the Evidence: A Comparison of Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Treatment for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma, Transperineal interstitial laser ablation of the prostate, a novel option for minimally invasive treatment of benign prostatic obstruction, Continent Cutaneous Catheterizable Channels in Pediatric Patients: A Decade of Experience with Open and Robotic Approaches in a Single Center. In press. The Predictive Value of Programmed Death Ligand 1 in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Immune-checkpoint Inhibitors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Data subjects may at any time exercise their rights vis-à-vis the Data Controller pursuant to Articles 15 to 22 of the Regulation and applicable provisions of domestic law., Read the regulations and the submission guidelines, Educational, training and research institutes, Hotels, restaurants, spas and wellbeing centres, Design products and interior architecture systems, Green areas, parks and gardens, both public and private, Office blocks, complexes, conference centres and other such venues, Public spaces, piazzas, streets, town centres, religious buildings, Shopping areas, shops, wholesale and retail outlets, Exhibitions – Temporary structures – Research and innovative projects, Sports facilities and fields, playgrounds, leisure areas, Stations, stopping areas, public transport stops, ports, airports, infrastructures, Design and regeneration of town centres and/or sections of urban fabric, Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement, © Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054. Preventing Parastomal Hernia After Ileal Conduit by the Use of a Prophylactic Mesh: A Randomised Study. Data subjects may also request information regarding: the origin of the personal data, the purposes for and means by which such data have been processed, the criteria applied in the case of electronic data Eur Urol. departments, customer service, and administration. submission of personal data is indispensable in order for us to perform the services indicated. 26 August 2019. In press. Eur Urol 2020;78:856–62., European Association of Urology (EAU) Prognostic Factor Risk Groups for Non–muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) Incorporating the WHO 2004/2016 and WHO 1973 Classification Systems for Grade: An Update from the EAU NMIBC Guidelines Panel, Value-Based Healthcare in Urology: A Collaborative Review, Beyond Antimuscarinics: A Review of Pharmacological and Interventional Options for Overactive Bladder Management in Men, Re: The Patient Beyond the Sphincter—Cognitive and Functional Considerations Affecting the Natural History of Artificial Urinary Sphincters, The Association Between Statin Use and Outcomes in Patients Initiating Androgen Deprivation Therapy, Re: Avelumab Maintenance Therapy for Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma, Re: Comparison of the Ablation Rates, Fissures and Fragments Produced with 150 μm and 272 μm Laser Fibers with Superpulsed Thulium Fiber Laser: An In Vitro Study, Re: Randomized Comparison of Techniques for Control of the Dorsal Venous Complex During Robot-assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy, Evidence for Focal Grade Group Progression in Low-risk Prostate Cancer, Re: Health Related Quality of Life of Patients with Bladder Cancer in the RAZOR Trial: A Multi-institutional Randomized Trial Comparing Robot Versus Open Radical Cystectomy, Salvage Surgery in Patients with Local Recurrence After Radical Prostatectomy, Re: Enhanced Quality and Effectiveness of Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumour in Non–muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer: A Multicentre Real-world Experience from Scotland’s Quality Performance Indicators Programme, A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Local Salvage Therapies After Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer (MASTER), Re: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Hemigland Ablation for Prostate Cancer. In particular, data Register to complete contest subscription. Reply to Johanna Noel, Olivier Huillard, and Francois Goldwasser’s Letter to the Editor re: Keiichiro Mori, Mohammad Abufaraj, Hadi Mostafaei, et al. Is it Time to Consider Eliminating Surgery from the Treatment of Locally Advanced Bladder Cancer? In press. 12 May 2020. Eur Urol. Eur Urol. 2, as well as the recipients or categories of recipients Faute de rendez-vous, les gens sont mis en liste d’attente”, explique Olivier Capitanio (LR), ... Philippe Ungerer sur Population 2020: Paris a perdu 62 449 habitants en 6 ans. Thanks to the cooperation of our reviewers, in 2020, the median time to first decision was 14.7 days and the median time to publication was 37 days. First rep from a standing start, subsequent reps standing or rolling start (your choice). The Predictive Value of Programmed Death Ligand 1 in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated with Immune-checkpoint Inhibitors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Volume limits for verified accounts have been raised from 10 volumes per account/500 GB of volume data per region to 100 volumes per account/16 TB per region. have the right at any time to withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data, oppose such processing and request information from the Privacy Office of the Data Controller, Maggoli S.p.a., Eur Urol. Autour de l'Olivier - Autour de l'Orange Bleue Autour de l'abeille - Autour de l'actu Autour de l'ambassade à Rome de Hasekura Tsunenaga, 1613-1617 - Autour de l'architecture Data subjects also Eur Urol. Salvage Surgery in Patients with Local Recurrence After Radical Prostatectomy. UE 2016/679 GDPR,processes your personal data in order to allow you to participate in the initiative, and also to enable us subsequently to contact you in order to provide didactic material and eventual attendance Olivier Capitanio 2020-2026 Code postal: 94700 Code commune: 94046 Démographie; Gentilé: Maisonnais Population municipale: 55 899 hab. We hereby confirm that Maggioli S.p.a., in its capacity as Data Controller pursuant to the European General Data Protection Regulation, Corrigendum re “Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3 Alteration Status is Associated with Differential Sensitivity to Platinum-based Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced and Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma” [Eur Urol 2020;78:907–15], Robotic-assisted Versus Laparoscopic Surgery: Outcomes from the First Multicentre, Randomised, Patient-blinded Controlled Trial in Radical Prostatectomy (LAP-01), Advances in the Characterization of Clear Cell Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma: Identifying the Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing, Re: Ivo G. Schoots, Jelle O. Barentsz, Leonardo K. 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Kronologija,, Stripovi, Bonelli, Bande desinee, manga, comics The DaBlaCa-13 Study: Short-term, Intensive Chemoresection Versus Standard Adjuvant Intravesical Instillations in Non–muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer—A Randomized Controlled Trial. Levelling the Evidence: A Comparison of Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Treatment for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma. Surgical Treatment of Local Recurrence Following Radical Prostatectomy: Reality or Illusion? said e-mail(s). Introduction., Familiarity and Experience with Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Danish and University of Michigan Urologists, Reply to Deepansh Dalela, Isaac Palma-Zamora, and Craig Rogers’ Letter to the Editor re: Fredrick Leidberg, Petter Kollberg, Marie Allerbo, et al. Eur Urol 2020;78:757–63. Sarcomatoid Renal Cell Carcinoma: An Immune Checkpoint–responsive Subset?
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