3.93 Mo. ... Gerflor Group creates, manufactures, and markets innovative, decorative and sustainable flooring solutions and wall finishes. Entdecken Sie unser Produktangebot Dekor-Sockelleiste - Creation 55. This 2.5 mm thick LVT collection provides the most realistic wood, stone and textile designs in an inspiring, easy-to-coordinate collection that will stand the test of time. Découvrez nos produits: Gamme de Sol Vinyle - Creation 55 Clic. Avec sa classe d’usage 33-42 et sa couche d’usure de 0,55 mm , ce revêtement de sol est très résistant face aux éraflures, aux chocs et au poinçonnement rémanent, et à l’usure en général. Installation with adhesive Class 33 - 42 63 exclusive designs. Daily commitment to guarantee our customers total quality and competitiveness. Creation 70 Clic . Ces décors possèdent des surfaces grainées, pouvant ainsi donner à votre sol un aspect entièrement naturel on encore un aspect lumineux. Declaration of Performance. Easily find all the documentation for your projects and simply download them. Download Select. All rights reserved. ... Gerflor Group creates, manufactures, and markets innovative, decorative and sustainable flooring solutions and wall finishes. Creation 55: on-trend DUO CORE flooring with 9 exclusive emboss patterns 5 sizes from realistic XL planks to short planks for mixed flooring and herringbone patterns Exclusive construction 'Duo Core', reinforced with fibreglass for comfort & stability Crystal wear layer for high definition design and colour Do you need technical assistance? Structures the space, embellish the interior and facilitates life, 1 - Pur+ matt2 - 4D Design3 - Duo core technology4 - Envers diamond, Discover the documents at your disposal for your projects, In addition to the product Creation 55, we also recommend you to take a look at the complementary products, Recycled materials, recycling of end-of-life products, ISO14001, Specific responses to the needs of twenty market segments, Commitment to the success of our customers. Creation 55 Design & Trend - Technical Datasheet. Copyright © 2021 Gerflor. See. ... Gerflor designs, manufactures and markets complete innovative, decorative and eco-responsible interior finishes. Creation 55 Vinyl Flooring is a perfect match for moderate traffic areas in commercial environments. Alternative products. Creation 55 Trend - Technical Datasheet. Gerflor floorings are unique solutions for your home. These are not supplied with the tiles and must be bought separately. NEW. Aluminium Profile - GTI and Attraction® See. Découvrez la gamme de lame PVC à coller Gerflor Creation Trend 55 ! In addition to the product Creation 55 Looselay, we also recommend you to take a look at the complementary products. Images shown above are faithful replications of the actual colour but monitors & screens display colours differently. Gerflor Creation 55 Clic Quartet Fauve LVT. Do you have a project? Alternative products. Gerflor Group gathers several world-renowned product brand names, such as Taraflex®, Mipolam®, DLW®, Tarabus®, Connor Sports®, Sportcourt® and Gradus®. Combining beauty and resilience, Creation LVT from Gerflor USA is specially engineered for high-end commercial grade applications. Interior designer . Productcategorieën. Gerflor Creation 55 Luxury Vinyl Tiles and Planks are available in wood and mineral effect and can enhance any interior décor. Creation Ministries International (CMI) exists to support the effective proclamation of the Gospel by providing credible answers that affirm the reliability of the Bible, in particular its Genesis history. Gerflor Group creates, manufactures, and markets innovative, decorative and sustainable flooring solutions and wall finishes. See. NEW. The flooring is warm & comfortable underfoot. 303A - Installation Guidelines - Underlayer Smart Fix 16 dB. In addition to the product Creation 55 Clic, we also recommend you to take a look at the complementary products. Installation instructions for contract products. 167 Ko. ... Gerflor Group creates, manufactures, and markets innovative, decorative and sustainable flooring solutions and wall finishes. See. Filter. Contact our experts who will be able to provide you with support. Creation 55. Découvrez nos produits: Creation 55 - dalles et lames LVT à coller. Gerflor Creation 55 Clic propose en effet de magnifiques imitations parquet, béton, pierre naturelle et marbre. Vinyl Design Skirting . Le Groupe Gerflor conçoit, fabrique et commercialise des sols vyniles pour les professionnels et les particuliers. Gerflor gluedown luxury vinyl tiles are available for delivery in just 10 working days and are perfect for the home or workplace. If you like Creation 55 Clic, you may also like : Creation 55 Looselay ... Gerflor Group creates, manufactures, and markets innovative, decorative and eco-responsible complete … 3,93 Mo. Questions about our solutions? Creation 55 + Underlayer Smart Fix 16 dB - Video Installation Guidelines. See more ideas about luxury vinyl plank, luxury vinyl, vinyl plank. Gerflor Creation 55 Clic LVT LVT Fitting Service Beat My Price LVT Feature Strips LVT Adhesives. Browse the recommended products for this sector … 143 Ko. This 2.5 mm thick LVT collection was created by the Gerflor design team to provide the most realistic wood, stone and textile designs, in an inspiring, easy-to-coordinate collection that will stand the test of time. Floor covering solutions. Creation 55 Clic - Technical datasheet. Creation 55 - Fire Certificate. Les dalles et lames de sol PVC Création sont devenues une référence incontournable dans le domaine des sols à forte valeur décorative. Nos sols de la gamme Creation 55 sont recouverts de vernis pour un effet mat. Industrial sector - Wall & corner protections, Sport floor simulation - 3D Court Designer. Some LVT products show feature strips within the image. Visualise our floors in real time and embed them in your photos. Le Groupe GERFLOR conçoit, fabrique et commercialise des solutions innovantes, décoratives, éco-responsables et complètes de sols souples, de revêtements muraux et d’accessibilité, de la pose à la finition pour les professionnels et les particuliers.. Une offre produits répondant aux besoins spécifiques de chaque application marchés. Creation 55 Trend - Technical Datasheet. Gerflor Creation 55 Gluedown LVT LVT Fitting Service Beat My Price LVT Feature Strips LVT Adhesives. If you like Creation 55 Clic, you may also like these products. Podívejte se na naše nejnovější kolekce podlahových krytin pro obytné prostory a získejte inspirace i pro Váš interiér. Do you need technical assistance? Die Gruppe Gerflor ist ein der führenden Hersteller von Vinyl-Bodenbelägen in mehr als 100 Ländern der Welt präsent. Virtuaalikirjasto ... Gerflor kehittää, valmistaa, markkinoi ja myy innovatiivisia, dekoratiivisia ja ympäristöystävällisiä lattiaratkaisuja ammattikäyttöön ja kuluttajille. Creation 55 Clic + Underlayer Acoustic 15 dB - Video Installation Guidelines . 303 - Installation Guidelines - Glue down installation Creation 30 / 55 / 70. Gerflor Group creates, manufactures, and markets innovative, decorative and sustainable flooring solutions and wall finishes. Visualise our floors in real time and embed them in your photos. A popular choice for medium traffic areas in the retail, office, administration, leisure, hotel, hospitality markets as well as suitable for domestic use. Daily commitment to guarantee our customers total quality and competitiveness. NEW. This includes offices, hospitalities, restaurants, reception areas, boutiques and also housing. Gerflor vous offre une gamme complète, parfaitement adaptée aux utilisations en boutiques, hôtels, restaurants et bureaux et déclinée en 62 décors bois et minéraux et en 9 formats. 303 - Installation Guidelines - Glue down installation Creation 30 / 55 / 70. Gerflor’s Creation 55 Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) collection produces some stunningly attractive new colours, designs, effects and formats. Creation 55 Clic on M1-hyväksytty lukopontillinen vinyylilankku julkisiin tiloihin. Receive directly by email all the documents selected during your browsing. Creation 55 Clic. Toont alle 59 resultaten. We develop specific flooring and wall solutions to meet every indoor market application need : housing, healthcare, education, sport, retail, industry, offices, hospitality and transport vehicles. Gerflor Clic luxury vinyl tiles are available for delivery in just 10 working days and are perfect for the home or workplace. World Leader. Download Select. Creation 55 - Video Installation Guidelines . Découvrez une large gamme de décors de sol Gerflor avec des effets bois ou minéraux pour personnaliser vos espaces. Fast and easy installation Suitable for raised panels Glue free installation up to 30sqm. If you like Creation 55, you may also like these products. MDF Design Skirting . Receive directly by email all the documents selected during your browsing. All rights reserved. ... Gerflor Group creates, manufactures, and markets innovative, decorative and sustainable flooring solutions and wall finishes. Do you have a project? See . Le Groupe Gerflor - fabricant des sols vinyles pour les professionnels et les particuliers. 853 Ko. We develop specific flooring and wall solutions to meet every indoor market application need : housing, healthcare, education, sport, retail, industry, offices, hospitality and transport vehicles. L’un des avantages principaux de ce sol vinyle est son large panel de coloris et de motifs. CMI has offices in Australia, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, United … Mar 28, 2016 - Discover the collection Creation 55 : Tiles and planks, to enhance interior decor and easy living. Always request a sample if you are unsure. 143 Ko. Gerflor Group gathers several world-renowned product brand names, such as Taraflex®, Mipolam®, DLW®, Tarabus®, Connor Sports®, Sportcourt® and Gradus®. In addition to the product Creation 55 Looselay Acoustic, we also recommend you to take a look at the complementary products. Home / PVC / Gerflor / Gerflor Creation 55. Creation Exclusive Edition. Download Select. NEW. Combining beauty and resilience, Creation LVT from Gerflor USA is specially engineered for high-end commercial grade applications. … Gerflor Creation 55 Clic : Des décors à couper le souffle. 5 products found in the range LVT - Creation 55. Creation 55 + Underlayer Smart Fix 16 dB - Video Installation Guidelines. Alternative products. Finishing Solutions Special LVT - Brochure, 303 - Installation Guidelines - Glue down installation Creation 30 / 55 / 70, 303A - Installation Guidelines - Underlayer Smart Fix 16 dB, Creation 55 + Underlayer Smart Fix 16 dB - Video Installation Guidelines, Creation 55 - Video Installation Guidelines, Industrial sector - Wall & corner protections, Sport floor simulation - 3D Court Designer, 5 sizes, with 1 XL plank 1,5 m for better realism and a short plank to mix and lay herringbone pattern, Exclusive construction « Duo Core », reinforced with a fiber glass for comfort & stability, PUR+Mat varnish : natural look and easy to clean, Ideal for moderate traffic areas : office, hotel, domestic - european class 33/42. Installation guidelines contract. Free adhesive installation Class 33 - 42 48 exclusive designs. An Exclusive Edition with 25 new references to widen our Creation 55 & 70 collections and give a larger perspective to your creativity. Easily find all the documentation for your projects and simply download them. Installation instructions for contract products. Copyright © 2021 Gerflor. Creation 70 . See. Aujourdhui, ce leader incontesté vous propose son ancienne gamme Insight, entièrement remise à jour : Gerflor Creation 55, qui, en plus dembellir votre intérieur, saura vous apporter satisfaction. 131 Ko. Aluminium profile 5-6 mm . Questions about our solutions? Zjistěte, proč je podlaha Gerflor správným řešením Vašeho domácího projektu (novostavby nebo renovace). Contact our experts who will be able to provide you with support. Recycled materials, recycling of end-of-life products, ISO14001, Specific responses to the needs of twenty market segments, Commitment to the success of our customers.
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