This is the documentation, the actual configuration is not done here. YAGPDB is one of the best Discord moderation bots out there. Index. To make these images appear, simply add !welcome! Promoted View. Visit to manage your server. YAGPDB (Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot) is my go-to moderation bot. If you’re looking for a bot that does a whole bunch of things to a high standard, then YAGPDB (Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot) is a great option. It is a work in progress. 115,113 ONLINE 433,686 Servers Arcane Leveling, xp, ranks, voice, role rewards, auto mod, reaction roles and Youtube alerts. Create beautiful welcome images for people that join your server to greet them! Reminders, RSVPs, roles, smart parsing, GCal sync, timezone magic, polls, and more! Simple yet powerful. I’ve been using this bot … Note: You can't change the background, it is randomly selected from Ygg's favorite pictures. The message itself won't be deleted but the bot will now not do anything with reactions on that message. How does it work? YAGPDB - Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot. Welcome Images! With this Discord Bot you can set up an unlimited amount of timers on your server and even an activity meter is available. Bots that are a part of our Certification Program. Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot - Documentation "Documentation is for users." The most complete & easy-to-use Discord bot! More trending new bots Certified Featured Bots. This bot is a game changer and defiantly worth getting. Quality Bots that are … … It comes with pre-built filters that are managed by our staff, to keep it up to date, and accurate. Contribute to yagpdb-cc/yagpdb-cc development by creating an account on GitHub. To add this bot to your server, click login in the upper right corner, then afterwards select it in the "select server" dropdown up top. Custom commands for the YAGPDB Discord bot. The customization is amazing and as well as the bot. to the topic of the channel, as shown in the provided image. The simplest bot to bring reaction roles, custom commands, automod, logging, and more to your Discord server. in the topic of a channel.. It has a bunch of self-assignable roles for moderation, letting you assign roles via reactions, assign multiple roles at once, or add roles to specific groups within your channel. Advanced auto-moderation, leveling, Twitch and Youtube alerts & much more! You can make Yggdrasil show leave messages with !goodbye! Censor Bot is a powerful, yet simple, anti-swear bot for your Discord servers! This is the documentation page for YAGPDB. It is a great way to keep your discord organized and remove all the clutter! Editing a role menu If you want to change the emote for one your reaction, you can do so by typing in -rolemenu edit (message id) After you type it the command … // Rob Pike. (pepepack) View Invite. The best calendar bot for Discord.
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