If you can use one of the grid weapons as your mainhand, the best choices for damage at high HP are the Zechariah or a Normal Weapon (Bahamut Weapon/Qilin Bow). What about Zooey’s and Gisla-chan’s weapons in Dark primal? This setup uses a pairing of two 5-star Celeste Omegas to net you 98.8% Crit with the four Abyss Gaze. There are certain situations/setups that can properly take advantage of the Scales of Dominion; however, players need to understand when, where, why, and how to do so before trying to throw together a Highlander grid. 5× Gisla. You can obtain Dark Opus Weapons from the Treasure Trade (Weapons > High Difficulty) section of the, Each target level requires one uncap to reach, with the second uncap requiring. The Omega Sentence CA DMG bonus caps at 100% and the CA Cap Up bonus caps at 30%. Zwei Schaedel has Big EX ATK (18% @ slvl15) and has a unique skill that provides 20% echo on the third hit of Triple Attacks. 1× Scythe of Belial. It has the capability to go to lvl200/slvl20, providing 21% EX ATK and lessening Light damage taken by 17.5%. A 3-star Astral is comparable to 4-star Xenos. They are still useful as grid filler, and are likely your best EX option if you do not have the Astral Weapon or weapon specialty synergy for Hollowksy Weapons. It is also a great weapon to include for Stamina based strategies as it provides 22.4% Normal Stamina (@slvl15); note that the Stamina skill is not boosted by Hades summon. Unheil (Grand Ferry’s unlock weapon) is a harp mainhand with a Charge Attack that is all about doing more damage, providing a Crit buff (70% chance for 50% more damage) and a 15% DMG Cap Up buff for 2.5 turns. It is generally recommended to acquire the Dagger and Sword as parties commonly fit the race requirements of these two Bahamut Weapons. Medium Omega ATKMedium Omega Restraint (DA/Crit). In the end, you should run your own tests and calculations to find out what is optimal for you. You will need up to 64 Rusted Weapons of the same weapon type depending on the choice you take, and 8 of each Rusted Weapon can be exchanged in the shop monthly. Class Champion Weapons (CCW) can range in strength from niche uses to absolute powerhouse. With these three components and an Enmity grid, players can maintain their HP at 1 to dish out hard hitting guaranteed Triple Attacks. As with all Dark Opus weapons, in addition to the Omega version, there is a Primal (Normal mod; Repudiation) version; however, they are not optimal for use in Omega grids. For a 5-star (ULB) Dark Opus, Stamina (Strength) or Enmity (Zeal) pendulums are common choices; Enmity is generally better if you are at low HP (i.e. Fallen Sword (Grand weapon, Olivia’s) and/or Gisla (Moon weapon) are usually the core of Hades grids. The CA provides 15% TA and 10k Supplemental Damage to your party for 3.5 turns, which is synergizes well with its echo skill. Stamina) play-style from the Standard grid. The stat boost applies to the bonuses from pluses, so they get stronger if you add pluses to the boosted weapon type. Huanglong Katana deserves the MVP spot for me: from my pov, the stackable Light atk up is a more or less a unique modifier that boosts your team damage by a lot every time you use a green skill. Skill DMG Cap UpEX ATK and DMG Cap Up (requires “Highlander”, all equipped weapons must be different). On the other hand, the Omega version can sometimes be utilized in Primal grids. I will try to note if a 5* Dark Opus changes a grid composition and which 5* Pendulums are commonly chosen. The Hollowksy Axe is often included in Dark grids due to its synergy with Luchador and TA Burst setups, which often include Melee specialty characters. Make sure you know what you’re getting into before your spend all your mats on a 5-star CCW! Hecate_mk2, Dark Opus α and Strife Pendulums C.A. Boosted by a single Hades, one Axe provides 28.8% Crit Chance, and with double Hades it provides 45.6% Crit Chance. Note that Dark Opus Weapons uncaps cannot be skipped with Damascus Ingot or Gold Brick. Massive Normal StaminaSupplemental DMG for CAs. However, the appeal of Draconic Weapons is that they offer a very strong defensive option on their 2nd skill, which can be useful for fights that dish out lots of damage, especially if you want to Full Auto and/or solo. In addition, as it is a Grand Weapon, it boasts high stats, Massive Normal ATK, and Small Normal Trium. Its effect can be changed by the following Pendulums: This page was last edited on 19 October 2020, at 01:03. It is a priority to uncap your Seraphic Weapon to SSR, as the SR only give up to 10% Seraphic Mod, while SSR gives 20%, and the 4-star SSR provides up to 23%. The Charge Attack of all Dark Opus weapons provides 1 Crest stack to your party (based on the element of the Dark Opus); this effect is rare for mainhands and can be useful for certain strategies. Cavalier utilizes a Gun as mainhand for an extra passive Stamina boost. Draconic Weapons have the restriction that they cannot be used at the same time as a Dark Opus Weapon, this makes them niche almost automatically due to the power of Dark Opus Weapons. It is not recommended to use this grid without having at least the Stamina Dark Opus. thank you! Hermanubis is an axe with a Charge Attack that provides 30% DA/TA to your entire party for 3.5 turns when 4-star (2.5 turns if not). This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Resonanting Blade: 70% DMG Cut to party/Debuff Resistance up (Consumes 5 energy) Attack: 30% echo. The Scales of Dominion (aka Anubis Staff) have the potential to help you to reach the 20% grid cap for DMG Cap Up bonuses (if used with other DMG Cap Up weapons). Boost to stats of melee weaponsDMG Cap up (based on # of melee weapons). The flex spots are quite rigid in their choices. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Zwei Schaedel is a good mainhand for Luchador not because it has a special MH effect or an amazing CA, but because it is a melee weapon and is slot efficient for the setup (as you will want to include it in your grid even if you don’t mainhand it). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. At 4-star/slvl15 it provides 7% DA/TA (16.8% when boosted one Celeste Omega, 26.6% with two). Yes, all the guides assume weapons are max uncap/max level/max slvl unless otherwise stated. Fediel’s Spine is an amazing weapon for Charge Attack based strategies; it provides Supplemental DMG (up to 600k) on CAs based on how high your HP% is. With each swing it eats away at the soul of its master, bearing them further down the path towards Hell. The Charge Attack provides your team with Counters on DMG and Armored. Then use Tagteam and attack. All Dark Opus Weapons are obtained at 3★, and can be uncapped up to 5★. The base skill boosts CA DMG/Cap Up by 9.5% (22.8% when boosted one Celeste Omega, 36.1% with two). Pooky’s Minimum: 0Nice to Have: Axe, BladeNiche: others, EX ATK, other boost and Supplemental DMG effect(weapon specialty restricted). It’s use in Omega/Magna grids is not very common but if you are trying to maximize the limits of CA DMG, you may want to include one or two. EX Weapons (Hollowsky, Proving Grounds, Xenos), an Ultima Weapon, additional Omega Weapons (Claws/Spines) or a Cosmic Gauntlet are also common weapons chosen to fill out the grid. About Weapons | Weapon Series | Weapon Lists | Weapon Skills | Sword Mastery Skills. Draconic Weapons are defensive-oriented weapons obtainable by trading materials obtained from Lindwurm (Impossible) in the Shop.They feature three weapon skills and are available for each element. The first flex spot is likely to be your mainhand choice, which depends on the Class that you are using. However, If you want to explore Stamina strategies you will want one, as this is the only Omega Stamina skill other than Dark Opus. This katana is the manifestation of a deal with the devil. thank you for the improved guide! Primal Gacha. Dark Opus Weapons are weapons obtainable by trading materials obtained from Lucilius (Raid) in the Shop.They feature three weapon skills and are available for each element, one with Omega prefixes Ironflame's Oceansoul's Lifetree's Stormwyrm's Knightcode's Mistfall's, and one with Primal prefixes Inferno's Hoarfrost's Terra's Ventosus' Zion's Oblivion's. The room owner is weak and wants higher rank players to help him defeat the raid. If your Dark Opus is not 5-star with the Enmity pendulum, then it should not be included in this grid (replace it with a Celeste Claw Omega). Medium Normal Majesty (ATK/HP)Excelsior (CA Cap Up). Its CA provides stacking 10% debuffs for each of Debuff Resistance Down, Attack Down, and Defense Down, capping at 30%. Note that the Tyranny skill inflicts a 10% HP cut to your party. Dark Opus Weapons offer a variety of Charge Attack effects based on which Pendulums have been equipped (both the Guiding Revelation and Guiding Gospel pendulum choices modify the Charge Attack). using Nier and Death’s call). gbf dark grid was inaugurated in the year 2011. Note that Coda Bahamut Weapon skills only apply to two specific races (e.g. If you find you cannot get your burst out in time before the boss dies, you can try using a Stamina grid/version instead. most consistent results) of Abyss Gaze is with four copies in double Celeste Omega setups, which provides 98.8% Crit. Charge Attack; The Frontlines: Big Dark damage to a foe. These skills can be changed at any time by using another Pendulum. Phantasmas, when 4-star, gives 3.5 turns of 20% party DA/TA, basically a weaker version of the Hermanubis, but as a gun instead of an axe. Also remember that the Unchallenged buff from Zooey’s Conjunction normally protects you from everything…except plain damage. The basic strategy is to deploy Nier’s World of Death and Love field effect and then use Death’s call effect to knock out Nier. Seraphic ModifierSmall Normal Majesty (ATK/HP). The Hollowsky Axe is a good mainhand even if your team is not full of Axe/Melee characters as its CA provides 35% TA and 10k Supplmental Damage to your party for 2.5 turns. Zooey’s conjunction skill is used to drop to 1HP and, due to Unfinished business, your MC, 2nd slot character, and 3rd slot character will stay at 1HP. This Cap Up is availble at 4-star but only when used as a mainhand. Cosmic Weapons have a unique skill in that they boost the stats of other weapons that share the same type by 50% once level 120. Probably obvious for all M2, but is it best for Gazes to be fully uncapped? The Abyss Spine’s Medium Sentence Skill provides 22.8% CA Cap Up and CA DMG when boosted by a single 5-star Celeste Omega. Massive Normal Tyranny (ATK and HP Cut)DMG Cap Up. Deals bonus DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks. You can only get one Katana of Renunciation and 5-starring your Dark Opus is a high priority achievement for Omega/Magna Dark users. Proving Grounds doesn’t come around very often, so make sure you 3-star one when its running (4-star can be uncapped at any time). Its CA provides a 1.5k Refresh to your team for 2.5 turns as well as a party veil for the turn of the CA. Qilin support summon is used to reset key skills (e.g. The flex spot is mainly for your mainhand choice. If you are building your first team, a Bahamut weapon will be the single most influential weapon you can add to your party, so craft one for the race you have the most of; the main character's race is Unknown, so all Bahamut weapons will affect her/him. Grid Composition. Weapons All Weapons Weapons All. Light also has a lot of "buffs matter" characters like Geisenborger and Zooey, which both synergizes really well with the HL Katana. Choosing a Primal Dark Opus over an Omega/Magna Dark Opus will provide you with more HP. They do not stack if they affect the same cap (i.e. The Seraphic Weapon is the backbone of any grid being used in a fight where you have Elemental Advantage. This grid should use a minimum of … The echo skill doesn’t stack so you only need one. The 4 color printing machine was added in 2015, with latest up-to-date technology to scale up the printing operations, and undertake all kinds of Commercial works. The previous Pendulum's effect will be overwritten. Please do your research before investing in any Primal grid. This means they should not be used with the Rose Queen/Beast series weapons with similar “lessen damage taken” skills. The weapon skills on Fediel’s Spine are also extremely powerful for Charge Attack burst setups. The Fediel’s Spine is also a core piece in the grid, but can be replaced by a Zechariah if you do not have one; however, the expected damage is lower. Change Log & Intro. I really appreciate it! True Phantom Demon Blade and Advocatus Diaboli (Xeno), Pooky’s Minimum: 1 SpearNice to Have: 1 of Each. it is super helpful for someone who is building their grids still! While the Katana of Renunciation (Dark Opus) is usable at 4-star, uncapping your Dark Opus to 5-star … There are several variants of this strategy, some can even survive through the full four turns of the Unfinished Business debuff. Dark Opus Weapons are weapons obtainable by trading materials obtained from Lucilius (Raid) in the Shop. See the bottom of this category page for the most current list. If you go for M2 Earth ~2 Alexiel Katana uncaps will also be performed (it used to be 3 Alex Katanas, but Earth's Dark Opus weapon will now replace the third one). Sword Master Skills; Effect: Cooldown: Duration: Cost: Awaken: Restore all allies' HP (Healing cap: 500). This is your standard Omega/Magna Dark grid; it is very powerful at low HP due to the Celeste Claw Omega (and Enmity Dark Opus if you have it). As additional Abyss Spines only provide 7.2% CA Cap up (up to 30%) and 22.8% CA DMG (up to 100%), one Abyss Spine should be sufficient for most setups. Fallen Sword has Massive Normal ATK (22% @ Slvl 15) and Medium Normal Stamina (9.56% at 100% HP) and Gisla has Normal Big II ATK (20% @ Slvl 15) and Medium Normal Enmity. Because human characters are the most plentiful, most players will craft a Bahamut Dagger first, but it really just depends on what characters you have. Pendulums modify either second or third skill of an Dark Opus weapon. Normal ATK/HP and Other Boost(weapon specialty restricted)Cap Up option (all allies). Oblivion's Verity II: Big boost to dark allies' critical hit rate Hatred's Majesty: Medium boost to dark allies' ATK and max HP Gu'edena: Massive Dark damage to a foe. Dark Opus and Draconic Weapons share a mutual and special exclusivity; you may only equip one weapon from either series in a grid. Jump to navigation Jump to search. I love the new layout! Omega/Magna Weapons: 5-7. It can also be used (even if you lack shared specialties) if you need the DMG Cap option from its Ultima Key. They key point being that you can save some time by not casting Zooey’s Conjunction (the animation takes a while and for many users refreshing the animation does not save time). Note that the Tagteam attack is normally refreshed, as it does not have the regular lockout time that you would normally get from an actual attack. Therefore, unless you have slow refresh times, you can increase your DPS by refreshing your Tagteam. Highlander enmity dark omega grids are also in a similar situation. These weapons are not very good until 5-star and require a large investment to get to max level/slvl. Mainhands . My calculations estimate that, at 95-100% HP, this grid is about as strong a standard enmity grid at 40-55% HP (in a vacuum; no buffs or characters considered). This weapon is generally not used very often any more, as the Trium skill loses its value when your characters have guaranteed multiattacks (most common source is Death’s call), but it might be useful for setups that don’t have guaranteed multiattacks. The flex spot is mainly for your mainhand choice. Ancient Cortana is mentioned due to its Trium skill. Blutgang (Black Knight’s unlock weapon) is mainly used as a sustain mainhand for hard fights where you need extra healing for your team. Notes: Uses Ultima for a main hand weapon. Defend: 2000 shield Claws of Terror‘s main selling point is its Cap Up for multiattacks. The flex spots should be chosen for whatever suits your use. You will probably also want to use a few key buff skills (e.g. The key parts for this strategy include: Zooey, Nier, and Death. I updated the dark guide to include astral and other new weapons, please check it out! Weapon Lists/SR/Katana. The Seraphic Modifier is a special modifier that increases your final damage and cap against enemies that are weak to you. Bab-el-Mandeb (Helel ben Shalem’s unlock weapon) has a CA that synergizes with its weapon skills as it provides your party with 50k Keen (Supplemental Damage on Critical Hits) for 3.5 turns as well as a 2k shield. Blutgang (Grand Weapon, Black Knight’s) provides Massive Normal ATK (22% @ Slvl 15) as well as Small Normal ATK (12%) and Crit (3%). 10T As Sword Master / 8T As Glorybringer: 3T-Resonance: Gain Dodge All Takes no DMG or debuffs while in effect. – Primal Dark Opus. The counters can do a decent amount of free damage if the boss has multihit attacks. Or is that just going to be added with highlander? Xeno weapons were the original “highest EX ATK modifier weapons” (23% @ slvl15) but have fallen out of favour in most grids due to newer weapons being stronger. Once the 5* Dark Opus Weapon has been equipped with the Stamina Key, Mittron’s Bow does not offer significant improvements over a grid full of swords. With Astral and Dark Opus Weapons providing the same/similar type of Cap Up options, Ultima Weapons have fallen out of favour in end game grids, but they can still be quite useful in certain cases and can be strong for players who do not yet have all the “overpowered” weapons. The three pillars of this grid are the 5-star Stamina Dark Opus, Fediel’s Spine, and four Abyss Gaze. In my grid suggestions, Dark Opus Weapons will be assumed to be at the 4* stage. The 10% HP cut usually isn’t a problem once you are strong enough to utilize the extra Cap Up. Rusted Katana; Rusted Harp; Rusted Gun; can be traded for Renown Pendants monthly. While the Katana of Renunciation (Dark Opus) is usable at 4-star, uncapping your Dark Opus to 5-star is a high priority as it is one of the strongest weapons in the game. To pack the most punch, the summon combination of Celeste Omega and Huanglong is normally preferred; however, Charge Attack Burst comps can also utilize a summon pairing of two Huanglongs, mainly for farming Very Hard or Extreme event raids without using any skills (or very minimal skill usage). Out of the Dark Beast Weapons, I would recommend getting Qilin Bow first, then Qilin Sword. Its Charge Attack provides your team with stackable DEF Up (10% per stack, max 30%) and a small Refresh (600HP cap). It had a good reputation in the local market due to highly creative designs, best printing quality and timely delivery. Ancestral • Astral • Bahamut • Beast • Class • Cosmos • Dark Opus • Draconic • Epic • Eternal Splendor • Grand • Hollowsky • New World Foundation • Primal (Tier … I did do calculations for highlander stamina dark omega grids, they are not very strong so I do not believe there are many cases, if any, where their use is required/needed/warranted. Like the new layout and further breakdowns, looking good. This weapon is usually only able to be fully utilized as a mainhand by Hades users with strong grids. Dagger of Bahamut Coda applies to only Humans and Erunes). The standard summon pairing is Celeste Omega and Bahamut, but double Celeste Omega can be considered if you have consistent Elemental Attack buffs. It can be useful to add to your collection once you have established a strong base grid. They are good at 4-star, but even better at 5-star (you probably wont need more than 4 5-star claws). This means that two Bab-el-Mandeb in double Hades setups gives 91.2% Crit Chance.
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