Influenza is primarily transmitted by droplets spread through coughing or sneezing and through direct or indirect contact with respiratory secretions. J Am Geriatr Soc. Preliminary results: surveillance for Guillain-Barré syndrome after receipt of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine - United States, 2009-2010. However, later post-marketing and surveillance studies across multiple influenza seasons found comparable protection against influenza for LAIV and IIV, with findings of reduced effectiveness against A(H1N1) in some studies. 2000;181(3):831-7, Schanzer DL, Tam TW, Langley JM, Winchester BT. HA-based serum antibody produced to one influenza A subtype is anticipated to provide little or no protection against strains belonging to the other subtype. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also occur, especially in children. J Infect Dis. The IMPACT study also found that the proportion of deaths attributable to influenza was significantly greater for influenza B (1.1%) than influenza A (0.4%). IIV (IIV3-SD and IIV4-SD) and LAIV (LAIV4) are authorized for use in Canada for children 2–17 years of age. 2013;141(3):620-30, Reichert TA, Sugaya N, Fedson DS, Glezen WP, Simonsen L, Tashiro M. The Japanese experience with vaccinating schoolchildren against influenza. NACI recommends that influenza vaccine should be offered annually to anyone 6 months of age and older who does not have contraindications to the vaccine. There are two categories of influenza vaccine authorized for use in Canada: inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) and live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV). In Canada, influenza generally occurs each year in the late fall and winter months. If a quadrivalent vaccine is not available, a trivalent vaccine should be used. The content in some sections has been reduced in length, while maintaining a focus on key information required for decision making. Vaccine. 2016;213(8):1216-23, Louie JK, Acosta M, Jamieson DJ, Honein MA. There is insufficient evidence to make comparative recommendations on the use of IIV3-Adj or IIV4-SD over IIV3-SD or among IIV3-Adj, IIV3-HD, and IIV4-SD. 2012;1(1):55-8, Skowronski DM, Hottes TS, Chong M, De Serres G, Scheifele DW, Ward BJ, Halperin SA, Janjua NZ, Chan T, Sabaiduc S, Petric M. Randomized controlled trial of dose response to influenza vaccine in children aged 6 to 23 months. 2011. Diabetes Care. Influenza vaccine immunogenicity in 6- to 23-month-old children: are identical antigens necessary for priming? Available from:, Tsang P, Gorse GJ, Strout CB, Sperling M, Greenberg DP, Ozol-Godfrey A, DiazGranados C, Landolfi V. Immunogenicity and safety of Fluzone intradermal and high-dose influenza vaccines in older adults >65 years of age: a randomized, controlled, phase II trial. N Engl J Med. The decision to include specific influenza vaccines as part of publicly funded provincial and territorial programs depends on several factors, such as cost-effectiveness evaluation and other programmatic and operational factors, such as implementation strategies. While humoral immunity is thought to play a primary role in protection against infection, cell-mediated immunity, notably cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses to internal viral components, is increasingly invoked as important in protecting against severe outcomes of influenza, particularly those associated with subtype HA variations (shift and drift)Footnote 109. 2012;55(5):695-702, Fujieda M, Maeda A, Kondo K, Kaji M, Hirota Y. Inactivated influenza vaccine effectiveness in children under 6 years of age during the 2002-2003 season. 2014;9(12):e114361, DiazGranados CA, Dunning AJ, Robertson CA, Talbot HK, Landolfi V, Greenberg DP. Direct contact may be defined as sufficient contact with infected poultry to allow transmission of an avian virus to the exposed person. One of our era's greatest scourges is air pollution, on account not only of its impact on climate change but also its impact on public and individual health due to increasing morbidity and mortality. 2000;83(6):488-91, Piedra PA, Glezen WP, Mbawuike I, Gruber WC, Baxter BD, Boland FJ, Byrd RW, Fan LL, Lewis JK, Rhodes LJ, Whitney SE. Effectiveness of influenza vaccine in health care professionals: a randomized trial. Insufficient head-to-head studies directly comparing efficacy and effectiveness of IIV3-Adj, IIV3-HD, and IIV4-SD. J Obstetr Gynecol Can. However, most reactions were mild and resolved quickly. Am J Obstet Gynecol. Refer to the relevant subsections of Section IV for additional information. 2015;61(2):171-6, Falsey AR, Treanor JJ, Tornieporth N, Capellan J, Gorse GJ. In the NACI literature review on Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness, Immunogenicity, and Safety in Healthy Adults 19–64 Years Old, efficacy against laboratory-confirmed influenza for IIV3-SD in healthy adults 18–64 years of age ranged widely from as low as 15% to as high as 75%, with the majority of studies estimating efficacy at 50–60%. 2016;138(3):e20154643, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Evidence of bias in estimates of influenza vaccine effectiveness in seniors. Immunization safety review: influenza vaccines and neurological complications. After careful review of clinical and post-licensure safety data, NACI has concluded that egg-allergic individuals may be vaccinated against influenza using any appropriate product, including LAIV, without prior influenza vaccine skin test and with the full dose, irrespective of a past severe reaction to egg and without any particular consideration, including vaccination setting. Fifteenth pandemic pharmacovigilance update. Given the lack of data for immune interference, and based on expert opinion, NACI recommends that LAIV can be given together with or at any time before or after the administration of any other live attenuated or inactivated vaccine. Safety of influenza vaccination during pregnancy. However, children 6 months to less than 9 years of age who have not previously received the seasonal influenza vaccine require 2 doses of influenza vaccine, with a minimum of 4 weeks between doses (see Table 2). Serious adverse events were rare and similar in frequency between standard-dose and high-dose vaccines. During the 22 seasons in which influenza A(H3N2) was the prominent strain, the average influenza-associated mortality rates were 2.7 times higher than for the nine seasons that it was not (all age groups combined), and on average, there were about 37% more annual influenza-associated deaths, regardless of the underlying medical cause. Get all of's best Celebrities lists, news, and more. Vaccine. The influence of staff and resident immunization rates on influenza-like illness outbreaks in nursing homes. When available, IIV3-HD should be used over IIV3-SD, given the burden of influenza A(H3N2) disease and the good evidence of better efficacy compared to IIV3-SD in this age group. Greater rates of seroconversion to LAIV3 occurred in baseline seronegative individuals compared to baseline seropositive individuals in both pediatric and adult populations, because pre-existing immunity may interfere with response to a live vaccine. The Opening Solar Concentrator Updated 15 July 2020 2.2. The quadrivalent formulation (LAIV4) was approved for use in Canada for the 2014–2015 season and has been in use since that time. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2007;357(26):2729-30, Orenstein EW, De Serres G, Haber MJ, Shay DK, Bridges CB, Gargiullo P, Orenstein WA. However, not all products authorized for use are necessarily available in the marketplace. 2011;29:8696-704, Zedda L, Forleo-Neto E, Vertruyen A, Raes M, Marchant A, Jansen W, Clouting H, Arora A, Beatty ME, Galli G, Del Giudice G. Dissecting the immune response to MF59-adjuvanted and nonadjuvanted seasonal influenza vaccines in children less than three years of age. The results of phase II and III trials that compared trivalent formulations to quadrivalent formulations generally showed non-inferiority of the quadrivalent products for the A(H3N2), A(H1N1), and B strain contained in the trivalent formulations. Lancet Infect Dis. Refer to Vaccine Safety in Part 2 of the CIG for additional information. Death rates among other age groups were similar to or lower than the previous five influenza seasons. GBS within 6 weeks following vaccination. Although vaccination before the onset of the influenza season is strongly preferred, vaccine may still be administered up until the end of the season. Higher rate of some systemic reactions than IIV3-SD; most systemic reactions were mild and transient. Refer to the Statement on Seasonal Influenza Vaccine for 2018–2019 for more information on the immunogenicity of IIV3-Adj in adults 65 years of age and older. 1996;46(2):146-50, Nichol KL, Lind A, Margolis KL, Murdoch M, McFadden R, Hauge M, Magnan S, Drake M. The effectiveness of vaccination against influenza in healthy, working adults. Three types of influenza vaccine are available for use in children 2–17 years of age: IIV3-SD, IIV4-SD, and LAIV4. In Nace et al., seroprotection was higher against A(H3N2) and B but not A(H1N1); this finding may be attributed to strain circulation during the study that made it difficult to assess seroprotection against this subtypeFootnote 133. children 6 months to 18 years of age undergoing treatment for long periods with acetylsalicylic acid, because of the potential increase of Reye’s syndrome associated with influenza. 2009;634:161-83, Rasmussen SA, Jamieson DJ, Bresee JS. The numeric suffix denotes the number of antigens contained in the vaccine (“3” refers to the trivalent formulation and “4” refers to the quadrivalent formulation). With the variety of influenza vaccines available for use in Canada, it is important for vaccine providers to note the specific differences in age indication, route of administration, dosage and schedule for the products that they will be using (see Table 2). Although influenza vaccine can inhibit the clearance of warfarin and theophylline, clinical studies have not shown any adverse effects attributable to these drugs in people receiving influenza vaccine. 2014;10(9):2721-8, Statistics Canada. There were concerns raised by a European Medicines Agency inspection about the quality of diagnostic laboratory testing and validity of ascertainment of influenza cases. Based on the body of evidence indicating a higher rate of influenza-associated hospitalization and death among Indigenous peoples, NACI recommends the inclusion of this population among the particularly recommended recipients of influenza vaccine. The Canadian Immunization Guide (CIG) is written primarily for health care providers (frontline clinicians and public health practitioners) but is also used by policy makers, program planners, and the general public. 9th ed. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2018;67(22):643-5, National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Available from:, Ritzwoller DP, Bridges CB, Shetterly S, Yamasaki K, Kolczak M, France EK. There is insufficient evidence (cost-effectiveness assessments have not been performed) to make comparative public health program-level recommendations on the use of the available vaccines. Therefore, NACI recommends seasonal influenza vaccination for people in direct contact with poultry infected with avian influenza during culling operations, as these individuals may be at increased risk of avian influenza infection because of exposure during the culling operationFootnote 57,Footnote 58,Footnote 59,Footnote 60. 2009;57(9):1580-6, Shugarman LR, Hales C, Setodji CM, Bardenheier B, Lynn J. ⢠The development of gene therapies for hemophilia has advanced significantly, with product registration likely in the near future. 2011;29(50):9391-7, MedImmune. This document, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI): Canadian Immunization Guide Chapter on Influenza and Statement on Seasonal Influenza Vaccine for 2019–2020, updates NACI’s recommendations regarding the use of seasonal influenza vaccines. NACI Members: Dr. C. Quach (Chair), Dr. W. Vaudry (Vice-Chair), Dr. N. Dayneka, Dr. P. De Wals, Dr. S. Deeks, Dr. V. Dubey, Dr. R. Harrison, Dr. M. Lavoie, Dr. C. Rotstein, Dr. M. Salvadori, Dr. B. Sander, Dr. N. Sicard, and Dr. R. Warrington. Alternatively, an IIV may be given. Four types of influenza vaccine are available for use in adults 65 years of age and older: IIV3-SD, IIV3-Adj, IIV3-HD, and IIV4-SD. LAIV3 has been shown to be as immunogenic as IIV3-SD, depending on age, with LAIV4 being non-inferior to LAIV3. Vaccine for prevention of mild and moderate-to-severe influenza in children. Accessed: 9 October 2018. 2015;211(10):1529-40, McLean HQ, Thompson MG, Sundaram ME, Meece JK, McClure DL, Friedrich TC, Belongia EA. In the NACI Literature Review on Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccines, only one study was identified that measured IIV4-SD efficacy. 2010;28(15):2722-9, Kwong JC, Maaten S, Upshur RE, Patrick DM, Marra F. The effect of universal influenza immunization on antibiotic prescriptions: an ecological study. According to the congresswoman, the funds are being provided as part of the recent coronavirus relief package passed by Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump. Children less than 24 months of age, due to increased risk of wheezing. : 200003 2009;114(2 Pt 1):365-8, Moro PL, Broder K, Zheteyeva Y, Walton K, Rohan P, Sutherland A, Guh A, Haber P, DeStefano F, Vellozzi C. Adverse events in pregnant women following administration of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine and live attenuated influenza vaccine in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, 1990-2009. The proportion of disease burden due to influenza B infection is higher in children compared to other age groups. LAIV can be administered to breastfeeding women. Possible immune mechanisms include: the inhibitory and immunomodulatory effects of systemic and locally produced cytokines on B- and T-cell response and viral replication; immunosuppression induced by certain viruses (such as measles); and direct viral interference as a result of competition for a common niche. 2007;36(3):631-2, Simonsen L, Viboud C, Taylor RJ. Abbreviations: FFU: fluorescent focus units; HA: hemagglutinin; IIV3-Adj: adjuvanted trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine; IIV3-HD: high-dose trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine; IIV3-SD: standard-dose trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine; IIV4-SD: standard-dose quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine; IM: intramuscular; LAIV4: quadrivalent live attenuated influenza vaccine; NA: neuraminidase. N Engl J Med. A study focusing on estimates of deaths associated with influenza in the United States of America has established that the average annual rate of influenza-associated deaths for adults aged 65 years of age and older was 17.0 deaths per 100,000 (range: 2.4–36.7)Footnote 163. All single dose formulations of IIV and LAIV are thimerosal-free. This advice may be obtained from experts in infectious disease, allergy, and immunology, or public health. For more information, refer to Statement on Seasonal Influenza Vaccine for 2011–2012. Influenza revaccination of elderly travelers: antibody response to single influenza vaccination and revaccination at 12 weeks. Influenza vaccine is safe and well-tolerated. The trivalent formulation, Influvac® (BGP Pharma ULC), is no longer available in Canada. Active studies of influenza vaccination during pregnancy have not shown evidence of harm to the mother or fetus associated with influenza immunizationFootnote 34. Here's Ms. Fluad Pediatric (children 6–23 months of age). cystic fibrosis who are not treated with immunosuppressive drugs (e.g., prolonged systemic corticosteroids). The potential for trivalent vaccine to stimulate antibody protection across B lineages requires further evaluation and may be dependent upon factors such as age and prior antigenic experience with the two B lineagesFootnote 61,Footnote 62,Footnote 63,Footnote 64,Footnote 65,Footnote 66. The amount of trace ovalbumin allowed in influenza vaccines that are authorized for use in Canada is associated with a low risk of adverse events. 1995;333(14):889-93, Department of Health (UK). Äîáðûé äåíü!ß-ïðåïîäàâàòåëü àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà.Ìíå íóæíà Âàøà ïîìîùü.Ìíå íóæíû Technical English Advanced tests.Ìîæåòå ïîìî÷ü? The most common adverse events experienced by recipients of LAIV3 are nasal congestion and runny nose, which are also reported for LAIV4. 2013;369(26):2481-91, Belshe RB. London: European Medicines Agency. The ever-present possibility of antigenic drift, which may occur in one or more influenza virus strains, requires seasonal influenza vaccines to be reformulated annually, with one or more vaccine strains changing in most seasons. There remain no efficacy or effectiveness studies that compare IIV3-Adj with IIV3-HD or IIV4-SD. Transmission of influenza between infected HCWs and their vulnerable patients results in significant morbidity and mortality. NACI has concluded that there is insufficient evidence at this time to recommend routine influenza vaccination specifically for swine workers; however, NACI recommends that influenza vaccination should be offered to anyone 6 months of age and older who do not have contraindications to the vaccine. Available from:, Tran D, Vaudry W, Moore D, Bettinger JA, Halperin SA, Scheifele DW, Jadvji T, Lee L, Mersereau T. Hospitalization for Influenza A Versus B. Pediatrics. Canadian surveillance data from 2001–2002 to 2012–2013 has shown that influenza B strains accounted for 17% of laboratory-confirmed tests for influenza. Not all products will be made available in all jurisdictions and availability of some products may be limited; therefore, officials in individual provinces and territories should be consulted regarding the products available in individual jurisdictions. In pediatric trials, IIV3-Adj was more reactogenic than IIV3-SD, with recipients experiencing 10–15% more solicited local and systemic reactions. This concludes the summary of relevant influenza vaccine information typically found in the CIG. ORS is not considered to be an allergic response. Vaccine. Emerg Infect Dis. Pediatrics. People who are potentially capable of transmitting influenza to those at high risk should receive annual vaccination, regardless of whether the high-risk individual has been immunized. 1991;29(7):1530-2, Levandowski RA, Regnery HL, Staton E, Burgess BG, Williams MS, Groothuis JR. Antibody responses to influenza B viruses in immunologically unprimed children. Laboratory detections over this same time period showed that influenza seasons in which influenza subtype A(H3N2) predominated, disproportionally affected adults 65 years of age and older, while seasons with greater A(H1N1) detections resulted in a higher prevalence of positive cases in younger age groups. Most studies have shown that administration of a second dose of influenza vaccine in the same season to older adults or other individuals who may have an altered immune response does not result in a clinically significant antibody boostFootnote 75,Footnote 76,Footnote 77,Footnote 78. 2000;355(9198):93-7, Hayward AC, Harling R, Wetten S, Johnson AM, Munro S, Smedley J, Murad S, Watson JM. 2006;12(1):48-54, Trombetta CM, Gianchecchi E, Montomoli E. Influenza vaccines: evaluation of the safety profile. All seasonal influenza vaccines, including LAIV, may be considered for administration at the same time as, or at any time before or after, administration of other live attenuated or inactivated vaccines (see. 1999;18(9):779-83, Wilde JA, McMillan JA, Serwint J, Butta J, O'Riordan MA, Steinhoff MC. Although the evidence considering influenza vaccination and GBS is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relation between GBS in adults and seasonal influenza vaccination, avoiding subsequent influenza vaccination of individuals known to have had GBS without other known etiology within 6 weeks of a previous influenza vaccination appears prudent at this time. Non-inferior immune response compared to IIV3-SD. Studies evaluating the safety of IIV3-SDs in healthy children have found a good safety profile with no serious adverse events of noteFootnote 110. Vaccine. In theory, the administration of two live vaccines sequentially within less than 4 weeks could reduce the efficacy of the second vaccine. Effectiveness of an influenza vaccine programme for care home staff to prevent death, morbidity, and health service use among residents: cluster randomised controlled trial. Effectiveness of influenza vaccination. Current influenza activity information can be found on the FluWatch website. Refer to the Statement on Seasonal Influenza Vaccine for 2011–2012 for additional details on children 6–23 months of age and to the Statement on Seasonal Influenza Vaccine for 2012–2013 for children 24–59 months of age. In a review of studies conducted between 1976 and 2005, the United States Institute of Medicine concluded that the 1976 “swine flu” vaccine was associated with an elevated risk of GBS. Refer to Table 4 of Section V.2 for a comparison of the vaccine characteristics of influenza vaccine types available for use in adults 65 years of age and older. Recommendations for use and other information set out herein may differ from that set out in the product monograph(s) of the Canadian manufacturer(s) of the vaccine(s). Immunization with trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in partially immunized toddlers. Randomized, double-blind controlled phase 3 trial comparing the immunogenicity of high-dose and standard-dose influenza vaccine in adults 65 years of age and older. Superiority to IIV3-SD has not been consistently demonstrated. The most common solicited local reactions are pain and redness at the injection site, while the most common solicited systemic reactions are irritability, malaise, and headache. 1994;169(1):68-76, Gonzalez M, Pirez MC, Ward E, Dibarboure H, Garcia A, Picolet H. Safety and immunogenicity of a paediatric presentation of an influenza vaccine. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations on the composition of influenza virus vaccines are typically available in February of each year for the upcoming season in the Northern Hemisphere. Intervirology. Up to expiry date indicated on vial label, Influenza is a respiratory infection caused primarily by influenza A and B viruses. In view of the considerable morbidity and mortality associated with influenza, a diagnosis of influenza vaccine allergy should not be made without confirmation, which may involve consultation with an allergy or immunology expert. FRANKFURT â The European economy shrank by a smaller than expected 0.7% in the last three months of 2020 as businesses in France and Germany weathered a renewed round of anti-COVID-19 lockdowns somewhat better than expected. LAIV, which is administered by the intranasal route, is thought to result in an immune response that mimics that induced by natural infection with wild-type viruses, with the development of both mucosal and systemic immunity. 2011;29(45):7878-82, Statistics Canada. Those who provide services within closed or relatively closed settings to people at high risk (e.g., crew on a ship). Programmatic decisions to provide influenza vaccination to target populations as part of publicly funded provincial and territorial programs depend on many factors, such as cost-effectiveness evaluation and other programmatic and operational factors. 2007;50(1):58-62, Walter EB, Neuzil KM, Zhu Y, Fairchok MP, Gagliano ME, Monto AS, Englund JA.. 1991;88(5):1031-6, McLean HQ, Thompson MG, Sundaram ME, Kieke BA, Gaglani M, Murthy K, Piedra PA, Zimmerman RK, Nowalk MP, Raviotta JM, Jackson ML. NACI recommends that LAIV may be given to children with stable, non-severe asthma and children with cystic fibrosis who are not treated with immunosuppressive drugs, such as prolonged systemic corticosteroids. Mild injection site reactions, primarily soreness at the vaccination site, have been found to occur in 7% or less of healthy children who are less than 3 years of ageFootnote 111,Footnote 112,Footnote 113. Accessed: 9 October 2018. 2006;29(8):1771-6, Jackson LA, Jackson ML, Nelson JC, Neuzil KM, Weiss NS. 2010;303(10):943-50, Maeda T, Shintani Y, Miyamoto H, Kawagoe H, Nakano K, Nishiyama A, Yamada Y. Prophylactic effect of inactivated influenza vaccine on young children. JAMA. Worldwide, annual epidemics result in approximately one billion cases of influenza, three to five million cases of severe illness, and 290,000 to 650,000 deaths.
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