Statistiques LOOF - BRITISH LONGHAIR BRITISH SHORTHAIR Statistiques sur les naissances Nombre d'enregistrements par année (les années correspondent au millésime du pedigree ou du certificat d'enregistrement au RF, les chatons ayant déjà reproduit sont en orange) Stats LOOF - British SH et LH - … Check the paperwork for complete initial vaccinations and if the owner has put in the cat’s full medical history as well as its’ parents. Weighing approximately six to 12 pounds or more, the size of a British Shorthair for sale ranges from medium to large, thus catching a lot of people’s attention. » Mariages et naissances prévus | L'élevage familial idéal pour acheter des chatons de la race British Shorthair Even this Shorthair cat can get knots in her coat if she isn't brushed regularly. Mazerolles-du-razès 11240 Chatons british shorthair et longhair loof. A number of careful breeders w… Owners should leave behind interactive toys that can keep their minds occupied. Yakari Passion Elevage. Height: 12–14 inches Weight: 7–17 pounds Life Expectancy: 12–20 years The British Shorthair is often referred to as a “teddy bear” cat thanks to the round face and dense, furry coat. The male British Blue is carefree while the female type is a bit more serious. Key Characteristics of British Shorthairs. Precisely balanced nutrition with the delicious taste of savory minced ocean fish to help fuel the energy needs of cats during the prime of their life. The Shorthair was the center of attention when pedigree cat breeding became a popular pastime in Victorian England. There are other colors and patterns as well. Very healthy and close to people. British Shorthairs tend to show their loyalty to the entire family rather than select one person with whom to bond. Click for more pictures & videos / Cliquer pour plus de photos & vidéos Your email address will not be published. As a powerful cat, all components of this breed should be well developed. The Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland portrays one, and Garfield (the famous cartoon cat) has a British Blue girlfriend named Arlene. Placement is of absolute importance- it should not be put in crowded, high-traffic areas of the house so your cat can feel comfortable and secure. Male : Scottish Straight : Blue Silver Classic Tabby. The International Cat Association followed suit in 1979 and the Cat Fanciers Association a year later. 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Longevity Range: 7-12 yrs. Female : Blue Silver Tabby Point - British Shorthair. Lean towards breeders who can present you health certifications to ensure you’re getting a good one from a healthy litter. Delicious roasted chicken and rice in a mouthwatering sauce. While not overly affectionate, the British Shorthair tends to get along just fine with everyone. British Shorthair can make great apartment cats, being alert and playful without being hyper or destructive. Picture 5 and 6 are mom and dad, both are black golden British shorthair. Cats may be pre-disposed to health conditions much like humans are. She is affectionate but also spends time just sleeping in the sun. Daily brushing of the British Shorthair is important, especially during seasonal changes when the coat is thickening or thinning. Fiche de race de chat sur illicoVeto, le guide santé des animaux de compagnie. The British Shorthair, while originally coming from the farms and streets of Britain, is also considered to be the first cat of the cat fancy. The texture of the coat is relatively hard, as it is meant as protection for the cat. The long, illustrious history of the British Shorthair can be traced back to Roman cats. This cat type is compatible with dogs and other pets such as rabbits, mice and birds. She has a rounded, thick appearance. Tendency to Shed: Moderate, Length: Short, Medium Characteristics: Straight Colors: White, Blue, Black, Cream, Red, Brown, Silver, Cameo, Bluecream, Tortoiseshell, Torbie, Smoke, Shaded Pattern: Solid color, Tortoiseshell, Bicolor, Tricolor/Calico, Tabby, Smoke, Shaded Less Allergenic: No Overall Grooming Needs: Moderate, High, Cat Association Recognition: CFA, ACFA , FIFe, TICA Prevalence: So-so. Pet Breeder. CAMAYLIA & QUARTERBACK. The British Shorthair is slow to mature; on average, these cats reach full-size by about the age of three, but some don’t fully mature until the age of five. Press ... Chubby-Moon's British Shorthair. Sometimes the British Blue will play around with energy before returning to his dignified self. » Mariages et naissances prévus | L'élevage familial idéal pour acheter des chatons de la race British Shorthair Chaton d'Olivia et Carlo. the breeder of british shorthair cats and british longhair cats of silver shaded, golden shaded, and chinchilla colors with blue and green eyes. Phone: 0427 352 328 All kitties, no matter the breed are playful and full of zest, but the British Blue tends to settle down when he or she turns one. January 13 at 9:04 AM. Notre chatterie est située dans la sarthe dept 72 dans la vallée de la loir. The British Shorthair has a broad chest, muscular neck, strong jaws and a well developed muzzle. Check constantly for wetness, foul smells and clumping litter. Don’t change the type of litter all at once. The solid colours are blue, red, chocolate, black and cream. The CFA, or Cat Fanciers Association, describes the breed as being quick to recover from embarrassment with a Cheshire Cat’s smile. She is heavily muscled and has heavy boning. Learn all you need to know about the Oriental cat breed including personality traits, physical features, and breed history. They are quite docile and laid back. Even his tail has a rounded tip. The short, thick coat of the British Shorthair is easily cared for with weekly combing to remove dead hair and distribute skin oils. Your use of this site is subject to the terms of our Legal Statement. Comb daily in order to untangle and prevent matting of any kind. The breed has also been developed in a wide range of other colours and patterns, including tabby and colorpoint. 1100 € British Longhair . The British Shorthair is a study in roundness. Alternate between a fine balance of wet and dry cat food to keep your British Blue happy. The British Blue will require more frequent brushing come fall and spring time in preparation for the shedding and when their coats are naurally thinning or getting thicker. Best British Shorthair Alter Of The Year British Shorthairs are one of the most popular pure breeds in the UK and for good reason. Cette date de mise bas est donnée à titre indicatif : cela peut etre + ou - 3 jours. Salon des Animaux de compagnie. Propriétaire : Christian Mena N° de pedigree : Loof 2014.26215 Nous proposons notre mâle British Shorthair Black Silver Blotched Tabby pour … When the Persian was introduced into Britain, it nudged out the British for the most popular breed temporarily. 1. Reputable breeders won’t release or start selling British Blues until they’re about 3 to 4 month’s old. He has a large round head, round eyes and rounded paws. Birth / Naissance 11/06/2014 ... British Shorthair. They aren’t pre-disposed to certain health conditions, but they are prone to several diseases such as HCM, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Hemophilia B, a bleeding disorder that can be passed down. British Shorthair silver and golden shaded cats are absolutely stunning cats which impress with their beauty, elegance, luxurious look and exceptional manners. British Blues have a longer lifespan at 14 to 20 years. Delectable chunks with tender chicken smothered in a rich gravy. Best of Breed: British Shorthair. British Shorthairs make for excellent pets and companions for children and other pets around the house. If your cat has refused the litter for unknown reasons them it’s time to visit the veterinarian in order to rule out medical conditions. The British Shorthair is a medium-sized to large cat and she is a very powerful one. Couleur : Cinnamon Point Date de naissance :07-2017. Choose a litter box that can comfortably fit your cat and have enough clearance so they can get in on their own. Characteristics: The British Shorthair has a medium to large size, compact body that is cobby. All of the cats and kittens that we raise are a part of our family. These lovely cats boast kind, even-tempered personalities and they form extremely strong bonds with their families. This breed descends from the British domestic cat variety, with a powerful physique, a broad face and a chunky body. Gr.Eur.Ch, British Shorthair Chocolate Golden Tabby Ticked RUS A /14/095/ Neg. Femelle British Shorthair Blue Colorpoint. Calendrier des naissances : date de saillie ==> date présumée de la naissance En face de la date de saillie vous trouvez la date de Mise bas . while the females average around 7 to 12 lbs. British Shorthair Black Golden Shaded Hot Honey Fareast Gold Galeksy British Shorthair Black Golden Shaded ICH (WCF) Junior Sun&Snow British Shorthair Blue Golden Shaded Fradges Mur Golden Truyfel'Ka ICU.5519.S1 RU-0165-15 ICU.6480.S1 Gr.1nt.Ch. The British Shorthair is a very pleasant cat to have as a companion. A coat of blue gray with copper-colored eyes and a medium tail is the most recognizable characteristics of this breed. Meow! This video is unavailable. There are also tabbies with or without silver. Interactive play may be necessary to keep the breed in good shape. These cats interbred with the native wild cats of Great Britain to produce the native domestic shorthaired cat. The plush coat can be groomed quite easily, as long as you do it regularly. © 2020 Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. Naissance ce jour de 5 British. Le British Shorthair,Scottish Straight et Highland Fold une belle histoire. When you see one or more, then it’s a sign that you should change it. For the best experience, we recommend you upgrade to the latest version of Chrome or Safari. The always-smiling look attracts a lot of attention, especially with younger family members and guests. Ses deux grands mères sont..... lire la suite ... Naissance prévue en Février 2021. As a sidenote, it’s your responsibility to choose a breeder who raises their cats responsibly while taking care of inoculation, vaccination and socialization needs. While the British loves to play, she doesn't need hourly attention. Food intake should be observed in order to prevent obesity. Understandably, this breed doesn’t sit on laps and they aren’t keen on being carried around due to their size. Heavily muscled with heavy boning they have rounded, thick appearance. The males also tend to be larger than their female counterparts. A cat that resembles a teddy bear—this sums up the physical characteristic of a British Shorthair. When you pick up a British, you should always support her back end. Size: The British Shorthair is a medium to large cat, weighing between 9 to 18 pounds. The added bonus being that British Shorthairs get on with everyone including other pets and dogs which when paired to their independent, yet loving, loyal natures makes them the perfect family pet. British Blues love high-quality food that’s nutritious and packed with essential minerals and vitamins. British Shorthair Bleue tortie et blanc . Active: British Shorthair cats are not overly active cats. Découvrez tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur le British Shorthair dans ce guide rédigé par un vétérinaire : comportement, régime alimentaire, soins et prix d'achat. Ils ont tous un beau poids et Ofelia a assez de … It becomes much longer and thicker during the winter. Purebred British shorthair kitten, 'Golden Tabby', colour code ny25 Male, not neutered Born November 1st 2020, litter trained, comes with health check by vet, first shot and dewormed. Recent Post by Page. They’re mellow and will tolerate other pets, and even though they may not seek out snuggles at every opportunity, they’re happy to be scooped up for a good cuddle. About our Ads. Yakari Passion Elevage. Si vous êtes intéresse vous pouvez nous contacter via le site en vous inscrivant ou nous écrivant par mail. The British fell in love with their new now-pedigreed breed. The British Blue is one of the most easygoing cat breeds out there. He was once known as the British Blue because he came only in that color, but these days his short, plush coat comes in many different colors and patterns. The legs are thick and end in rounded paws. Keep your cat indoors to prevent auto accidents and acquiring diseases from other cats or animals. When considering buying a British Shorthair, you’ll need to check out the parentage, applicable markings and type. Les york ! The breed looks like what she originally was, a cat that was to keep rodents out of the barn and the house. we offer kittens for sale and adoption. They tend to grow up to be couch potatoes with the occasional goofing off every now and then. This breed descends from the British domestic cat variety, with a powerful physique, a broad face and a chunky body. ... même si j'ai eu quelques frayeurs lors de la naissance du premier chaton. Discover the personality and physical traits associated with the American Wirehair cat breed, as well as information about its history. Naissance : 06/06/2014 Groupe sanguin : Nb Tests : Testé négatif pour PKD, FIV/FELV. Moreover, they appear laidback even in the presence of children as long as they are respectful of the cat. Accessibility Help. 5 superbes chatons British Shorthair et Longhair sont nés le 18 novembre 2020 Le British est une race de chats doux, câlins, joueurs et proches de so (... voir la suite) ... Naissance de british à … The eyes can either be green, blue or copper, depending on the coat color and pattern they have. On the average, the breed can grow up to 14 inches in height and weigh about 7 to 17 lbs, with the males going upwards 15 to 17 lbs. The silver version of the British Blue is the logo of Whiskas, a popular cat food brand. He is known in cat fancy history as the "Father of the Cat Fancy." Mâle british shorthair d'un an et demi, non catré ( pour le moment ... ), très affectueux et sociable avec les autres chats. The British Shorthair is a thick, muscular cat so her nutrition must be carefully controlled. One thing you’ll notice is the plush, short coating that’s very tempting to touch and hold. Gradually introduce the new one over the course of a few days so your cat can get used to it. The Romans brought these cats along when they took over Britain primarily to keep their food from being eaten by rodents. The British also plays well by herself, and thus is a good companion for single people. Son père et ses deux grands pères sont champions du monde. Look at pictures of British Shorthair kittens who need a home. Precisely balanced nutrition with the delicious taste of savory minced salmon to help fuel the energy needs of cats during the prime of their life. Other than that, this cat breed is very hardy and will likely keep you company for a good number of years. British Shorthair … Chaton de British shorthair Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la première naissance des chatons de Ruby, notre belle femelle British Shorthair dont le mari est Iraklion, champion du monde. Best British Shorthair Of The Year IW BW SGC DOUDOU HUG BOY WONDER BLUE Bred/Owned By: MAYUMI NISHIMURA. Sociable – Calme – Affectueux – Intelligent …. Pour connaître nos disponibilités actuelles, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par téléphone ou en nous envoyant un message à l'aide du lien présent en bas de ce cadre. She is easy going and placid. Chaton British Shorthair à vendre. Take care in feeding the British Blue as they tend to become overweight. Nos 6 petits oursons sont 3 femelles: Prada, Paloma et Perle et trois mâles: Pepsi, Patou et Poker. The Norwegian Forest Cat has a solid build, a stocky frame and strong features. Please feel free to contact us for further information on our beautiful cats. The rounded head is marked by full cheeks, a short nose and perfectly rounded eyes, which makes it seem like the cat is smiling all the time. Harrison Wier, one of the first cat breeders, is the father of the British Blue. Our Cattery professionaly breeds silver shaded and silver shaded point British Shorthair cats. Watch Queue Queue They don’t like to be moved around or carried, so it’s best to teach family members that British Blues are happy to be petted where they lie.
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