Don't dive alone. One of which is knowing the nitrogen narcosis symptoms and how to prevent them. A one in 500 chance of injury and a one in 4,000 chance of death during a diving season doesn't sound particularly risky, but these figures don't tell the whole story. None of these effects are safe for being over 100 feet under the sea. The French name for the condition, "l'Ivresse", is that used for -the vice of drunkenness. Now she is travelling and diving around the world, blogging about her adventures at. Make sure to discuss this at the surface with your buddy. As a responsible diver, it is our duty to learn how to recognize, manage and cope with narcosis. Decompression sickness in women; are we more at risk? Drugs that stimulate the central nervous system can also alter a diver’s mental processes and augment narcosis. Therefore, if diving deeper than usual is making you uneasy, start very slowly with a dive professional or very experienced dive buddy. The Nitrogen narcosis vs the Bends- Symptoms . Unless the diver recognizes what is happening and stops the descent, there is a very real chance of injury or even death. An Austrian man was about 20 feet ahead of me and 20 feet below me dancing on some coral on the edge of an underwater cliff. Inert gas narcosis is a neurological syndrome inducing several psychomotor disorders. Found insideWhen men are exposed to pressure of air higher than 3 bars, they present signs and symptoms recapitulated in Table 2. Table 2. Psychophysiological troubles of nitrogen narcosis in man from 4 bars of absolute pressure. NITROGEN NARCOSIS ... Divers live to die another day thanks to their diving buddies and great equipment that helps them survive the underlying cause of many diving injuries and deaths, nitrogen narcosis. Write down your dive plan on a slate. divers.Â. Nitrogen Narcosis Another physical effect of breathing compressed gas at depth is a proportional increase in the partial pressure of the nitrogen in compressed gas and its solution in the body. To help us understand what Gas Narcosis is, we asked Dr Laura Walton, Clinical Psychologist, PADI IDC Staff Instructor, and author of, to explain: “On the surface we breathe air. Very prolonged exposure to deep depths can lead to a coma or the diver's death. The toxic effects on the brain of the high concentrations of nitrogen occurring in the blood in divers breathing air at depths of 30 m or more. The Divers Alert Network (DAN) offers health insurance coverage for diving-related accidents for about 100,000 divers. Since these gases are not used in the body, we believe that they do not have an effect on us, so they are known as "inert gases". Nitrogen narcosis is an altered state of mind caused by breathing nitrogen at a high partial pressure. For this reason, nitrogen narcosis is usually thought of as a function of depth. Signs and Symptoms of Nitrogen Narcosis. Training. Stay calm, it’s very normal. Never dive without insurance! Consider going only 10 feet/3 meters deeper than your deepest dive to date. . Nitrogen narcosis Overview Nitrogen narcosis, Symptoms resemble those of alcohol intoxication, Anxiety, concentration and attention, you may well remember being given a series of mental tests under timed conditions on land, Sense of well-being, As it's. Scuba Diving: Nitrogen Narcosis Symptoms & Treatment Traditionally the gas involved in narcosis is nitrogen, and it is associated with dysfunction when breathed by scuba divers from their tanks containing compressed air. in. Breathing nitrogen under pressure produces an intoxicating effect known as nitrogen narcosis. However, cases of noticeable nitrogen narcosis are extremely rare on shallow dives or dives less than 60 feet/20 meters. The experience of nitrogen narcosis is more like the experience of taking a narcotic like oxycodone or fentanyl than it is like getting buzzed with a drink or two. Symptoms include light‐headedness, euphoria, and loss of fine motor coordination. Nitrogen Narcosis affects your ability to think. and if you are a part of our GTS membership card you'll get an The impairment can be life threatening. I used to go diving off the coast of Cozumel every day on my one-week vacation, three times a day. nitrogen come and go, but underwater they have more of an effect, due to the increased pressure. It has also been called depth intoxication, "narks," and rapture of the deep. Her passion for travel and wildlife has taken her to work in over 30 countries, spending significant amounts of time in Turkey, Thailand and Central America.Â, If your answer is no or you have a vague idea but aren’t exactly sure, keep reading. Most divers experience symptoms of nitrogen narcosis at depths greater than 100 feet, but symptoms may occur in depths as little as 33 feet. After I made that adaptation, it If your answer is no or you have a vague idea but aren’t exactly sure, keep reading. They may become totally unable to follow decompression protocols, putting themselves at risk of arterial gas embolism, or unable to monitor time so their oxygen tanks run out. I understand the rudimentary concept that is taught in classes; what I am in search of is a in-depth discussion of physiology; what are the common and uncommon signs and symptoms? This poem (or series of poems) is ostensibly about a scuba dive gone wrong. The poem is organized into depths, and the symptoms one would feel at those depths under the influence of a condition known as nitrogen narcosis. No diver should go down below 60 feet without a buddy to warn them if they start acting as if they have nitrogen narcosis. This is a safe opportunity to potentially It is similar to the effects of alcohol intoxication and increases in intensity at greater pressure, therefore the deeper you go. "If someone seems affected by narcosis, ascend to a shallower depth," says Shreeves. The anesthetic properties of nitrogen and other gases at high partial pressures combined with, Preparedness, practice and planning are the key elements to successfully minimizing nitrogen narcosis symptoms. It doesn't so much loosen inhibitions as it floods the brain with feel-good chemicals. Found insideCovering a broad range of extreme environments, including high altitude, underwater, tropical climates, desert climates, arctic climates and space travel, the book also includes case studies that can be used to illustrate practical ... Have more than one exit point. Found insideThis is the first book to span the depth between traditional sport diving editions and the complex medical/commercial texts. In 1834 a French researcher, Victor Junod, was the first to describe it, noting "the functions of the brain are activated, imagination is lively, thoughts have a peculiar charm and, in some persons, symptoms of intoxication . Some allergy and cold medicines with antihistamines can possibly alter your brain chemistry enough to increase your susceptibility to nitrogen narcosis. Found inside – Page 15-2Nitrogen narcosis, covered in detail in Section, is the limiting factor in the use of nitrogen-oxygen breathing mixtures. The pressure (depth) at which narcosis symptoms first appear varies considerably among individuals and may ... Diving hazards-Wikipedia It noticeably slows brain functions, but the effects can do more than just mess with your mind because it is believed that nitrogen gases react with lipid or fat tissues, which the brain is mostly made out of. The experience of nitrogen narcosis can also increase anxiety, sometimes making divers feel uneasy about the situation, unable to feel comfortable underwater and making them feel they need to end the dive immediately. Fluffy reasoning, garbled thinking, disarray, and debilitate manual fitness are on the whole indications of narcosis. 10m/30ft you descend past 30m/100ft. As a diver goes deeper, the symptoms increase in severity. Increased levels of CO2 in the blood can affect if and how narcosis hits you. Whatever you’re up to, be aware that deep diving has extra precautions. Got Nitrogen narcosis in depth of 28 meters while scuba diving in Thailand-Phuket It is an alcohol-like effect, a feeling often compared to drinking a martini on an empty stomach: slightly giddy, woozy, a little off balance. Always consult your doctor about these and other drugs before going diving. Nitrogen Narcosis Symptoms and Treatment. Understanding Nitrogen Narcosis (The Rapture Of The Deep)Nitrogen Narcosis, otherwise known as the Martini Effect, The Rapture of the Deep, Inert Gas Narcosi. When the diver ascends, the symptoms terminate with essentially no aftereffects or permanent harm done. Alcohol and drugs can intensify the narcosis effects. The impairment can be life threatening. Keep changes in your diving habits to, Want to gain more experience in deep diving? The principal reason is its high solubility in lipoid matter [2]. Breathing nitrogen at a high. There is no way to build up a tolerance for the symptoms, and they will not level off of their own accord. Today, the term Nitrogen Narcosis is still in use, but it also called Inert Gas Narcosis as it also can be caused by other gasses. We've known about nitrogen narcosis for about as long as technology has enabled people to breathe air under pressure. Found inside – Page 150Corals Symptoms range from mild irritation especially during washing of the infected area. ... Nitrogen Narcosis The process which causes this is complex and not yet fully understood. Of the two major theories one relates to CO? This effect is different from decompression sickness. In his book ‘The Silent World’ Jacques Cousteau coined it ‘the rapture of the deep’. Copyright Text 2020 by Scuba Edge   -  Designed by Divers commonly refer to the experience of this altered state of mind as “getting narked” or “feeling narked.”. Keep changes in your diving habits to small increments until you feel absolutely ready for your deep water dives. There are no known long term effects of nitrogen narcosis but if . Along with additional training be sure to sharpen your basic diving skills like buoyancy control as well as, We know that you should never drink alcohol directly before a dive. The good news is nitrogen narcosis is easily reversible. According to Dr. Peter Bennett, Divers Alert Network Chief Executive Officer, anxiety can increase your susceptibility to narcosis. The thought-provoking film reveals how, without taking proper precautions, a diver seriously under the influence of nitrogen narcosis “may make a fatal mistake.”. Found inside – Page 65Nitrogen Narcosis Divers breathing air at deeper depths exhibit signs and symptoms of nitrogen narcosis . Nitrogen narcosis , which can be similar to intoxication , affects all divers breathing air at depths in excess of 100 feet ... Found inside – Page 190... skin rash , neurologic symptoms ( paraplegia , paraparesis , bowel / bladder dysfunction , ataxia ) , subcutaneous emphysema , lung edema with cough and dyspnea • Nitrogen narcosis : Mental status changes , loss of consciousness ... The symptoms of nitrogen narcosis can be very similar to the effects of consuming too much alcohol. Their diving buddies or a rescue diver will have to save their lives. A solution to the nitrogen narcosis and gas bubbles in divers is the use of mixtures where nitrogen is replaced by helium for dives that are deep and prolonged . In a typical year, they will pay out about 205 injury claims. At that depth, nitrogen narcosis becomes more likely than a DCI "hit," and when it occurs, it is more dangerous because it attacks your most important piece of life-support equipment: your brain. There is a sense of detachment from reality, loss of concentration and slowing of mental processes. DO SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF NITROGEN NARCOSIS CHANGE AT DIFFERENT DEPTHS? Nitrogen narcosis is a change in consciousness, neuromuscular function, and behavior brought on by breathing compressed inert gasses. Sit down with your dive buddy and make a plan. Signs and symptoms and what preventative/safety measures you can put in place to help keep everyone safe as well as enjoying the wonderful world of scuba diving. Take the advanced open water course or the deep diving specialty course. Deep dives can help you explore a fun and exciting world filled with shipwrecks, sunken planes, caverns and more. Breathing nitrogen at a high partial pressure seems to be the main contributor. Our Austrian friend had thought the coral was rolling across the flat surface of the ocean instead of down a steep embankment leading to water over 1000 feet deep.". Though many studies have been done, the exact reasons why Gas Narcosis occurs or why experiences vary so greatly is still a mystery. Drysuit Vs Wetsuit: What’s The Difference? Duration of exposure, concentration of the substance I made a point to take note of significant features of my buddy before the dive. The diver may also experience a euphoric or stimulating feeling initially similar to mild alcohol intoxication. Found inside – Page 543Below 200 feet, nitrogen narcosis renders the diver unable to work; however, individual divers have varying tolerance levels for ... Ascent to the surface causes symptoms to disappear completely, so no further therapy is required. Found insideCommonly the affected diver is unaware that he is developing nitrogen narcosis. Symptoms include slowed mentation, increased reaction time, loss of coordination, drowsiness, euphoria, inappropriate actions, hallucinations, ... But did you know that taking drugs or alcohol up to 24 hours before a dive could still depress the central nervous system? experience nitrogen narcosis for the first time, and help you understand the possible consequences of deep diving and how it can affect you. nervous system simply works by sending messages around the body. The feeling at 90 feet was euphoric. Typically it will start at around 30 meters (100 feet) of water. Found inside – Page 483A. Nitrogen narcosis 1. Chief complaint: May vary, including motor or cognitive complaint 2. Signs and symptoms: Disorientation, impaired motor skills or mental process 3. Physical examination: Normal examination—symp- toms resolve with ... Bennett explains, “The exact mechanism isn’t known, but (nitrogen narcosis) has an effect on the brain’s neurotransmitters, in the same place anxiety operates.”. How to use nitrogen narcosis in a sentence. According to Dr. Peter Bennett, Divers Alert Network Chief Executive Officer, Therefore, if diving deeper than usual is making you uneasy, start very slowly with a dive professional or very experienced dive buddy. The real danger of this altered state of mind comes from poor decision making. Read also: Decompression sickness in women; are we more at risk? Most importantly, never be afraid to abort a dive. Found inside – Page 3-41Nitrogen narcosis is the state of euphoria and exhilaration that occurs when a diver breathes a gas mixture with a ... The symptoms of nitrogen narcosis include: ▫ Loss of judgment or skill ▫ A false feeling of wellbeing ▫ Lack of ... Nitrogen narcosis or inert gas narcosis is a reversible alteration in consciousness producing a state similar to alcohol intoxication in divers who breathe high-pressure gas containing nitrogen or other potentially narcotic gas at raised partial pressures. Divers who don't dive very often are at greatest risk for nitrogen narcosis. Your buddy should respond with the same number plus one, so three. Found inside – Page 116Although the sensitivity of nitrogen narcosis is quite different from person to person, all the divers who dive at depths of 60–70 m demonstrate clinical signs of nitrogen narcosis. Firstly, high cognitive functions are affected. How to use nitrogen narcosis in a sentence. Diving courses which require practicing skills often and over a long period of time can help you develop into a safe and reliable diver and dive buddy.  Â. Nitrogen narcosis. Found inside – Page 152Some experts advocate urgent otolaryngology evaluation for consideration of surgical exploration and perilymph fistula closure. Treatment n The symptoms of nitrogen narcosis and CNS oxygen toxicity generally resolve with ascent. A diver may experience poor judgment, decreased coordination and motor skills, and a light-headed or detached feeling. It is a reversible alteration in consciousness that occurs while diving at high pressures. Partial pressures of the gases we breathe increase with depth, so remember that as you descend deeper and deeper on a dive, the partial pressure of the nitrogen you are breathing is increasing more and more. There are other gases we can breathe, but Narcosis can be safely handled underwater and having it does not necessarily mean that your dive needs to end. But everyone can prepare for contingencies and gain the confidence needed to enjoy the dive. makes up the highest percentage of gas mix in our tanks. This occurs after an exposure to breathing gases at increased pressure, followed by a reduction in environmental pressure. Nitrogen narcosis can give similar symptoms as alcohol intoxication. Watch out Many divers are not aware that the symptoms of Nitrogen Narcosis appear in shallow depths, at 2m (6ft). Accidents that divers survive occur on an astonishing one out of five dives. An example from Dr Laura Walton, PADI IDC Staff Instructor, and author of, “An experience I had with gas narcosis several years ago was that I kept getting paranoid that the person with me was not my buddy! Mild signs and symptoms can appear at 30m, but some individuals might be susceptible at shallower depths. American divers often describe the condition as Martini's Law because for every 66 feet (20 meters) a diver goes down the effect of nitrogen is equivalent to drinking one dry martini on an empty stomach. This is why it tends to be a larger consideration in planning for deeper dives, or dives past 66 feet/20 meters. Know how you can call 911 for emergency medical help. The anesthetic properties of nitrogen and other gases at high partial pressures combined with depressants such as alcohol can amplify narcosis. Do emergency planning with your buddy or with your team and safety diver before you even leave shore. Having a clear understanding of what nitrogen narcosis is is an important thing divers can do for their own safety. If you're underwater and experiencing one or many of the following; you could be affected by nitrogen narcosis: Euphoria: Feeling overconfident and incredibly happy for no particular reason. Take the, Nitrogen Narcosis affects your ability to think. Group One was taught that a diver will get narcosis at 130 fsw, and much emphasis was placed on the high probability of narcosis impairment with severe symptoms. What is Nitrogen Narcosis: Symptoms and Preventions? Move your index finger in circles at the side of your head. Never deep dive solo, and be open with your dive buddy. Nitrogen Narcosis is not dangerous; however, the symptoms can cause debilitating or life-threatening effects, such as coma and death.  Theoretically, narcosis effects all divers going below nitrogen narcosis. If you’ve experienced Inert Gas Narcosis prior, share this information with your buddy. Scuba Edge is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Want to gain more experience in deep diving? Then when you got to about 180 feet the feeling changed. Nitrogen narcosis: At increasing depths, the partial pressure of nitrogen increases, causing narcosis in all divers. While you should be rested and sober for at least 24 hours before any dive, this is even more important before a deep dive. Nitrogen narcosis, also called "rapture of the deep" and "the martini effect," results from a direct toxic effect of high nitrogen pressure on nerve conduction. Maybe the best way to understand what nitrogen narcosis really is, is to hear it from an actual diver’s point of view. This can have a lot of different effects, for example, What Are The Symptoms Of Nitrogen Narcosis? It’s impossible to tell you how to prevent nitrogen narcosis completely without simply advising you to stay at the surface of the water. Are you excited for your first epic deep dive? Both can cause confusion and impaired judgment, but the bends can also cause pain, hallucinations, vertigo, paralysis, tingling sensation, reduced blood flow to organs, and death. Know what to do should you become separated from your buddy or your team. The effect will be experienced by all divers breathing air at depth in excess of 30 meters (100ft), although some divers may notice the effect at shallower depths. Nitrogen narcosis is related to the partial pressure of the nitrogen in your gas mix, so narcosis becomes more likely as you go deeper. Professional divers can go below 200 feet with helium-based breathing mixtures to avoid nitrogen narcosis, and special decompression chambers. Decompression sickness is a clinical diagnosis. extra 5% off all policies! NITROGEN NARCOSIS Of all the physiological factors that affect us when we dive Nitrogen Narcosis is the most common but also the most widely misunderstood. prescription medication, always check with your doctor if they might affect your mental state. DEPTH: 100-165 FEET (30-50 M) Found inside – Page 284What are the primary symptoms and signs of nitrogen narcosis ? Intoxication ; impaired judgment ; altered LOC . What is the treatment for nitrogen narcosis ? Nitrogen narcosis is a self - resolving disorder . As you spend more time with divers, you’ll hear nitrogen narcosis described in many ways. Better yet, dive with a team and have a professionally trained safety diver going along with you. Toxic effects of breathing nitrogen-containing gases while at depth. Remembering that partial pressure is directly proportional to depth, staying shallow is your best strategy on how to easily prevent feeling the effects of nitrogen narcosis. It was like you had just finished off a dry martini. Mildly impaired reasoning. Let us know about your experience in the comments below! Breathing nitrogen at higher pressures induces an altered state of consciousness, called nitrogen narcosis. It has several side effects all of which serve to impair our ability to carry out basic tasks. Answer 15. The deeper a diver descends, the higher the partial pressure of nitrogen and other gasses in his air will be. Keep things simple and don’t attempt a complicated dive at deep depths. Most often, nitrogen narcosis begins to be apparent at about 10 m of depth. The symptoms will subside after a dive to a shallower depth, with no long-term effects. The risk is Also, the change in how messages are being sent from the brain to our muscles mean that movement is slowed.”. They can make divers behave as if they were drunk or on relaxant drugs —creating a dangerous frame of mind for divers. Some refer to it as the Martini Effect, comparing it to drinking one martini for every 10m/30ft you descend past 30m/100ft. The symptoms seen in nitrogen narcosis begin first with effects of the higher function such as judgment, reasoning, short-term memory, and concentration. Being cold has shown to increase the effects of narcosis. NITROGEN NARCOSIS• Air is 79% nitrogen• At high partial pressures (>1 kPa), nitrogen has depressant effect on CNS• Usually occurs at depths > 30 m• Effects mimics alcohol• Symptoms: light-headedness, tendency to laugh, poorconcentration, short attention span, impaired judgement,• impaired motor coordination, impaired cognitive function If diving in cooler waters, make sure you’re warm during the dive. Along with additional training be sure to sharpen your basic diving skills like buoyancy control as well as emergency diving skills. Found inside – Page 6Nitrogen narcosis often has unrecognized warning symptoms and can be deadly . Nitrogen narcosis plays a major role in many diving accidents and divers should be aware that all are affected . Symptoms 1. Muscle twitching in face 2. You may as well say nitrogen narcosis is caused by going deep. Though nitrogen narcosis is an ever-present factor for scuba divers, it is most common for divers to begin to. Our first dive every day was a 'bounce dive,' going down to about 200 feet to look for black coral. 30m/100ft. Nitrogen narcosis makes divers take risks that get them and other divers killed. And, how long are you planning to dive? In fact, the threat of nitrogen narcosis, not DCI, is the primary reason for setting the traditional recreational depth limit at 130 feet. "End the dive if you must, but often simply coming up to a shallow level to finish the dive is all you need to do. It is believed that the denser gases in our system when we dive somehow interfere with how messages are passed around the nervous system. Description . Albert Behnke suggested in the early 1900s that narcosis may be the result of the increased partial pressure of nitrogen and . Nitrogen narcosis represents the major cause of performances decrease concerning divers, in the depth range of 30 to 90 meters (0.3 to 0.9 MegaPascal). Similar to alcohol, frequent divers can develop subjective "tolerance" to the effects, but impairment remains. At first, divers experiencing nitrogen narcosis will feel great! HOW CAN YOU BE PREPARED TO SAFELY GO ON DEEP DIVES? Everyone needs to be on the same page regarding what to do if one or more members of the team begins showing signs of nitrogen narcosis. You have to wait for 24 hours after a dive before you fly to fully decompress to avoid getting the bends. Rushing to the dive site may not produce the ultimate dive experience. stopped happening.”. It's a small annual fee to pay for a clear conscience! Found inside – Page 15-2Nitrogen narcosis , covered in detail in Section , is the limiting factor in the use of nitrogen - oxygen breathing mixtures . The pressure ( depth ) at which narcosis symptoms first appear varies considerably among individuals ... Nitrogen narcosis, commonly referred to as "rapture of the deep," typically becomes noticeable at 100 ft underwater and is incapacitating at 300 ft, causing stupor, blindness, unconsciousness, and even death.Nitrogen narcosis is also called "the martini effect" because divers experience an effect comparable to that from one martini on an empty stomach for every 50 ft of depth . It was like you had had four or five martinis with beer chasers. Most commonly it is referred to as Nitrogen Narcosis, or in diver slang 'Getting Narc'd.' When Gas Narcosis was first discovered, it was assumed it was caused by Nitrogen . More molecules of all the gases are going around our bodies. Nitrogen Narcosis is caused by dissolved gas in the body. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. . Nitrogen narcosis (also called inert gas narcosis or raptures of the deep - coined by Jacques Cousteau) is another major problem faced by deep-sea technical divers. Divers Alert Network offers advice and information for If you have any concerns at all or don't feel comfortable in anyway contact Nitrogen narcosis is a condition which occurs to most deep-sea divers at one point or another. The toxic effects on the brain of the high concentrations of nitrogen occurring in the blood in divers breathing air at depths of 30 m or more. If you or your buddy are feeling the effects of Gas Narcosis, ascending as little as 10ft/3m should help immediately. Narcosis in divers has been a fascinating topic for many years. STEP 3: Stay at your new depth and wait for the effects to subside. Mild euphoria possible. of nitrogen narcosis and acute alcoholic poison-ing is very close and hence the first descrip-tion of Junod is so apt and observant. Found inside – Page 453.1.2 Symptoms Nitrogen affects humans similarly to medical narcotic gases , but to a far less extent . Initial stages of nitrogen narcosis are described to be similar to alcohol or LSD intoxication . Symptoms may not be recognized by ... While you can’t build up a tolerance to Narcosis, with experience and training you will learn to recognize and cope with its effects. If your thinking on how to start scuba diving? Further increases in the partial pressure of nitrogen in the blood from . Or they may be filled with ennui and choose to do nothing. When divers reach a depth of 100 feet or deeper is when they'll often feel the symptoms associated with the condition. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid Gas Narcosis. Most beginner diving courses teach the diver to look for their buddy underwater for a minute and then going to the surface. Have you experienced Gas Narcosis? In the later stages of nitrogen narcosis, divers may go blind. Or you want to know about what to wear before scuba diving then check out my other great articles to help you get started. WHAT STEPS SHOULD YOU TAKE IF YOU EXPERIENCE NITROGEN NARCOSIS? 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A bit daunting, gas narcosis, is a reversible alteration in consciousness that occurs diving. Elements to successfully minimizing nitrogen narcosis: symptoms and signs of nitrogen narcosis symptoms | Powered by WordPress, 9. One point or another done safely and may quickly become some of your favorites lead to a depth! Air nitrogen narcosis symptoms be need oxygen during profound plunges of scuba diving, plan your dive, ' down!

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